Metoda de testare standard ASTM D772-2018 pentru evaluarea gradului de decojire a acoperirilor pereților exteriori

Semnificație și utilizare

4.1 Defecțiunea de decojire a peliculei va apărea în timpul utilizării. The test method provides a way to assess the degree of failure by comparing it with graphical standards.

Domeniul de aplicare

1.1 The test method includes the evaluation of the degree of peeling (peeling) of exterior wall coatings by comparison with photographic standards.

1.2 Valorile exprimate în unități SI vor fi considerate standard. Valorile date în paranteze sunt doar pentru referință.

1.3 This test method is similar to, but not identical to, ISO 4628 Parte 5. Iso 4628 Parte 5 uses a rating scale from 0 la 5, where level 0 is unchanged and level 5 is the most stringent. Test method D772 uses a rating scale from 10 la 0, where level 10 is unchanged and level 0 is the most severe. The two criteria use different picture reference photographs to determine the rank values.

1.4 Acest standard nu este destinat să abordeze toate problemele de siguranță legate de utilizare. Este responsabilitatea utilizatorului acestui standard să stabilească siguranța corespunzătoare, health and environmental specifications and to determine the applicability of regulatory restrictions prior to use.

Metoda de testare standard ASTM D772-2018 pentru evaluarea gradului de decojire a acoperirilor pereților exteriori

1.5 This international standard has been developed in accordance with the internationally recognized standardization principles established in the Decision on the Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guidelines and Recommendations issued by the WTO Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

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