Tester de duritate Rockwell în utilizarea procesului întâlnit eșec are cum să rezolve

Testerul de duritate Rockwell este potrivit pentru testul de duritate Rockwell metal. This test method is characterized by measuring the indentation depth and reading the hardness value of the sample directly on the dial or digital display screen of the hardness tester, which is convenient, simplu, rapid and high efficiency. Small indentation, small damage on the working surface of the parts, suitable for batch parts testing; Rockwell hardness test has a wide range. Because the hardness tester is affected by external and...

Funcționarea mașinii de încercare la tracțiune nu trebuie să fie deloc neglijentă

Mașina de încercare la tracțiune este utilizată pentru a efectua sarcini statice, de tracţiune, comprimare, îndoire, forfecare, stripping and other mechanical properties of the material with mechanical testing machine, suitable for plastic sheet, pipe, profile, plastic film and rubber, wire and cable materials of various physical and mechanical properties testing for material development. Tensile testing machine operating procedures: 1. Preparation of the specimen: The tensile testing machine takes the mark distance in the middle of the specimen or uses the foot mark gauge at...

Uita-te la asta! Proceduri de întreținere a mașinii de testare a uzurii TABER

Mașină de testare la abraziune TABER de la introducerea sa. Acest instrument de precizie este utilizat pe scară largă pentru testarea accelerată a uzurii, providing reliable material wear test data in minutes. Widely used in plastic, a picta, laminate, Piele, hârtie, ceramic, carpet, glass and other materials wear test. TABER wear testing machine is suitable for wear resistance test of leather, pânză, a picta, hârtie, Gresie, placaj, sticlă, natural rubber, etc. The method is to cut the specimen with a standard cutter, wear it with a specified type...

Experiență pentru a împărtăși metoda de calibrare a mașinii de testare a uzurii TABER. Privire rapidă

TABER abrasion testing machine is suitable for leather, pânză, hârtie, a picta, placaj, Piele, Gresie, sticlă, natural plastic and so on. The test method is that a pair of grinding wheels are mounted on the rotating sample, and the specified load is applied. When the sample rotates, the grinding wheel is driven, so as to wear the sample, and the weight loss is the weight difference before and after the test. The abrasion tester produced by Taber is the...

Zece minute pentru a citi metodele și principiile de funcționare a mașinii de testare a uzurii DIN

Mașina de testare a uzurii DIN este un indicator important al performanței la uzură a multor produse din cauciuc. Widely used in rubber tires, chariot tracks, soles and other rubber products with wear resistance as the main performance of the physical property test, with high efficiency, good reproducibility and easy operation characteristics, is to assist the industry to control the quality of the product state of the weapon. Tensile: maximum force, rezistență la tracțiune, elongation at break, modulus of elasticity, etc. Bending resistance: maximum strength,...

Aceste mici detalii ale utilizării mașinilor de testare a uzurii TABER nu pot fi ignorate

Mașina de testare a uzurii TABER este potrivită pentru pânză, hârtie, a picta, placaj, Piele, Gresie, sticlă, plastic natural, etc. The test method is a pair of grinding wheel on the rotating test material, and the specified load, the test material rotates to drive the grinding wheel, for the wear test material, the wear loss weight is the weight difference before and after the test. Generally used to test leather products, the test specimen is rotated on a horizontal platform, two...

Look for these advantages before buying a load displacement curve

The load displacement curve is suitable for the elastic displacement test of large-size switch keys, and can be applied to the pipeline signal trigger test to send out good and bad product signals to achieve the purpose of quick detection of OK and NG products. The measurement curves are memorized by the computer and can be enlarged or reduced at any time. N curves can be placed arbitrarily on an A4 paper. The computer directly prints and stores load-travel...

Care este testul funcției de testare a oboselii compresiei bureților?

Mașina de testare a oboselii prin compresie cu burete este utilizată pentru a testa caracteristicile de oboseală, viata de oboseala, prefabrication crack and crack propagation of metal, alloy material and its components, operating joints, solid joints and spiral moving parts under tensile, compression or tension and pressure alternating load at room temperature. The sponge compression fatigue testing machine is mainly used to test the fatigue properties of metal and its alloy materials under tensile, compression or tensile and compressive alternating loads at room temperature. Aceasta...