Управление безопасностью и охраной здоровья в комнатах для вытирания пыли и соответствие индексам: нормы, практики и проблемы

With the wide application of dusting technology, безопасность и здоровье пылевой камеры привлекли большое внимание. Not only to protect the health of workers, but also to guard against potential explosion risks. According to the relevant regulations, this paper will deeply analyze the safety and health indicators of the dusting room, and discuss how to ensure the compliance of these indicators in practice.

As an indispensable part of the painting industry, the dusting chamber is very important to meet the safety and health indicators. According to the relevant regulations, the concentration of suspended powder in the dusting room, the use of electrostatic duster guns, the total dust concentration and the wind speed of the open surface have clear requirements. This article will explore in depth the rationale behind these regulations, explain their application in practice, point out possible challenges, and make some recommendations to ensure a good level of safety and hygiene in the dusting room.



Управление безопасностью и охраной здоровья в комнатах для вытирания пыли и соответствие индексам: нормы, практики и проблемы

Control of suspended powder concentration in dusting room
Minimum explosive concentration requirement

According to the regulations, the average concentration of suspended powder in the dusting room should be less than half of the minimum explosive concentration value of the powder. The reason behind this rule is to guard against the risk of explosion. Powder room as a powder coating place, powder concentration is too high may lead to explosion, a serious threat to workers and equipment.

На практике, it is necessary to adjust the suspended powder concentration in the dusting room according to the lowest explosive concentration value of the specific powder. For powders with an unknown minimum explosive concentration (MEC), a maximum concentration of 15g/m³ is specified. The development of this measure fully considers the safety factors to ensure that even the unknown explosive concentration of powder, there is a clear concentration limit, thus ensuring the overall safety of the powder chamber.

Use of explosion suppression equipment

For a powder chamber equipped with explosion suppression equipment, it is stipulated that the concentration of suspended powder in the exhaust pipe at the outlet of the powder chamber is allowed to exceed 50% of the minimum explosion concentration. This is based on the performance and principle of the explosion suppression equipment. The explosion suppression equipment can effectively slow down the propagation speed of sparks, thus improving the safety of powder handling in the powder chamber. Однако, when using explosion suppression equipment, care should still be taken to ensure its normal operation, so as not to create a false sense of security.

The use of electrostatic duster guns

Electrostatic duster gun is one of the important equipment in duster room. According to the regulations, its use shall comply with the requirements of GB 14773. This regulation mainly focuses on the design and manufacturing standards of electrostatic duster guns and their auxiliary devices to ensure that they do not create additional safety risks during work.

Управление безопасностью и охраной здоровья в комнатах для вытирания пыли и соответствие индексам: нормы, практики и проблемы

Total dust concentration control
The total dust concentration in the air of the site is 8mg/m³. This regulation is concerned with the control of total dust in the dusting room to maintain the quality of indoor air. На практике, this standard can be achieved through the reasonable setting of ventilation systems, regular cleaning of equipment and work sites. Keeping the site clean not only contributes to the health of the workers, but also to the normal operation of the equipment.

Control of open surface wind speed

The suitable range of wind speed at the opening surface of the dusting chamber is 0.3-0.6m /s. This regulation aims to quickly remove suspended powder through the appropriate wind speed, reduce the time that dust stays indoors, and reduce the risk of explosion. In actual operation, it is necessary to adjust the wind speed of the opening surface according to the specific situation and process requirements of the powder chamber to ensure that it is within the safe range.

The compliance of the safety and health indicators of the dusting room is directly related to the safety of the workplace and the health of workers. In actual operation, it is necessary to fully understand the principle behind the relevant provisions and take practical measures to ensure the conformity of various indicators. В то же время, different powder and process requirements may require customized safety management programs, so regular safety training and equipment inspections are particularly important in the dusting room operation. Through scientific management and practice, we can better ensure the safety and health of the dusting room, and provide strong support for the sustainable development of the painting industry.

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