ИСО 15181-2-2007 – Определение скорости выделения биотоксинов в красках и лаках – Часть 2: Определение концентрации ионов меди в экстрактах и ​​расчет скорости выделения

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ИСО 15181-2 разработан Техническим комитетом ISO/TC 35, Краски и лаки, Подкомитет СК 9, Общие методы испытаний красок и лаков.

ИСО 15181-2-2007 – Определение скорости выделения биотоксинов в красках и лаках – Часть 2: Определение концентрации ионов меди в экстрактах и ​​расчет скорости выделения

Второе издание исключает и заменяет технически переработанное первое издание. (ИСО 15181-2:2000).

ИСО 15181 состоит из следующих частей, under the general title Paints and varnishesDetermination of fungicide release rates in antifouling coatings:

— Часть 1: General method of extracting fungicides

— Часть 2: Определение концентрации ионов меди в экстрактах и ​​расчет скорости выделения

— Часть 3: Calculation of the rate of zinc ethylene-bis (dithiocarbamate) (zineb) release by measuring the concentration of ethourea in the extract

— Часть 4: Determination of concentration of pyridine-triphenylborane (PTPB) in extracts and calculation of release rate

— Часть 5: Calculating the release rates of toluenflurane and dichlorofluoraniline by determining the concentrations of dimethyltoluenesulfonamide (DMST) and dimethyltoluenesulfonamide (DMSA) in the extracts

ИСО 15181-2-2007 – Определение скорости выделения биотоксинов в красках и лаках – Часть 2: Определение концентрации ионов меди в экстрактах и ​​расчет скорости выделения

By using standard conditions for temperature, salinity and pH at low fungicide concentrations in ambient artificial seawater, reproducible values for release rates under specified laboratory conditions can be determined using the method given in this part of ISO 15181, which can be used for quality assurance and material selection purposes. Однако, the actual rate of release of fungicides from hull antifouling paints into the environment will depend on many factors, such as vessel operating schedules, years of service, berthing conditions, paint condition, as well as temperature, salinity, рН, pollutants and biota in a particular area.

The results of this test do not reflect the environmental fungicide release rate of antifouling products and are not suitable for direct use in the process of generating environmental risk assessments, generating environmental load estimates, or establishing release rate limits for regulatory purposes. When compared with copper and organotin release rates obtained by direct or indirect measurements of hull copper release rates and measurements on panels exposed in ports, all available data indicate that the results obtained using this general test method substantially overestimate the release rate of fungicides under service conditions. Published results show that for several commercial antifouling coatings, the results of this test method are generally about 10 times or more higher than direct in situ measurements of in-service hull copper and organotin release rates [1,2]. Similar relationships are expected to be found for other fungicides. A realistic estimate of the rate of hull fungicide release under service conditions can only be obtained from this test method if this difference is taken into account.

If the results of this testing method are used to generate environmental risk assessments, to produce environmental load estimates, or for regulatory purposes, it is highly recommended to consider the relationship between laboratory release rates and actual environmental inputs in order to more accurately estimate the fungicides release rates of antifouling coatings under real conditions. This can be achieved by applying appropriate correction coefficients [2].

ИСО 15181-2-2007 – Определение скорости выделения биотоксинов в красках и лаках – Часть 2: Определение концентрации ионов меди в экстрактах и ​​расчет скорости выделения

1 Объем
Эта часть ИСО 15181 specifies the apparatus and analytical methods for determining the bactericidal dose of copper (base) released from antifouling paints into artificial seawater according to the procedures given in ISO 15181-1.

It determines the copper ion concentration and gives a final calculation of the copper release rate under specified laboratory conditions. Эта часть ИСО 15181 aims to simultaneously determine the possible release of copper ions and other biocides from a given antifouling paint by analysing separate subsamples of artificial seawater extracts generated according to the procedures specified in ISO 15181-1 and analysed in accordance with the procedures given elsewhere in this standard.

When used in combination with ISO 15181-1, the practical limit for the quantitative measurement of release rate is 1.8μg·cm — 2·d — 1 к 500 μg·cm — 2·d — 1. Quantitative measurement of release rates below this range would require the use of an analytical method with limits of quantitation for copper in artificial seawater below the limits specified in 5.1.

2 Нормативные ссылки
Для применения этого документа необходимы следующие ссылки:. Для датированных ссылок, применима только указанная версия. Для недатированных ссылок, новая версия ссылки (включая любые изменения) применяется.

ИСО 3696, аналитическая лаборатория водопользования – технические характеристики и методы испытаний

ИСО 15181-1:2007, Краски и лаки — Determination of fungicide release rates in antifouling coatings — Часть 1: General method for extraction of fungicides

АСТМ Д 6442-06, Standard Test Method for Determining Copper Release Rate from Antifouling Coatings in Alternative Seawater

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