Многие элементы в океанских полиметаллических конкрециях – Анализ флуоресцентным спектрометром EDX9000B X

Использование энергодисперсионного рентгенофлуоресцентного спектрометра EDX9000B для определения Na20 в полиметаллических конкрециях., стиль MgO, АИ2О3, SiO2, P2O5, SO3, кл., K2O, СаО, TIO2, В, Мин., Фе, Ко, В, Cu and zinc, Как, Сб, руб., Да, Зр, Мо, Ба, La, Ce and powder direct tableting Pb27 kinds of components of the sample, the experience coefficient method and the Compton peak as the background of the peak/back ratio method to correct the absorption of elementsenhanced effect, with the international standard sample manganese nodules calibration equation (including spectral overlap correction) в то же время, the method checked by standard material, has a good accuracy and can meet the ocean polymetallic nodules resources survey, evaluation Requirements. For primary and secondary and the vast majority of trace components, the method of relative standard deviation (ОСД, n = 10) меньше, чем 5% compared with other methods of multielement analysis, sample preparation is simple rapid, and it is a kind of “зеленый” “environmentally friendly” метод.

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