Тестирование краски должно использовать какой инструмент, чтобы помочь вам подвести итоги

Покрытия проходят испытания для обеспечения качества продукции., производительность и безопасность, удовлетворить потребности клиентов и отрасли, а также нормативные стандарты, reduce the risk of use, and improve the market competitiveness and brand reputation of enterprises. Through comprehensive and accurate inspection of the coatings, the performance indicators of the coatings can be effectively evaluated to ensure that the products can meet the expected protection, decoration and other functional requirements during use, thus creating greater value for customers.

Coating testing needs to use a variety of instruments, the following are some commonly used testing instruments and their Chinese and English names, according to the functional classification is summarized:

Basic performance testRotary viscometer
Electrical conductivity meter
Цвет и блескКолориметр
Film thickness and adhesionТолщиномер покрытия
Adhesion Tester
Hardness testingКарандашный твердомер
Indentation Hardness Tester
Испытание на устойчивость к атмосферным воздействиямWeather Resistance Test Chamber
Камера для испытаний на солевой туман
UV Aging Test Chamber
Chemical performance testSolvent Rub Test Machine
Chemical Resistance Test Machine
Environmental performance testingVOC Analyzer
Heavy Metal Analyzer
Deformation performance testBending Tester
Тестер удара
Cupping Tester
Elongation Tester
Transparency and refractive indexИзмеритель дымки
Granularity analysisLaser Particle Size Analyzer
Sieve Shaker
Surface tension testFilm Surface Tension Tester
Liquid Surface Tensiometer
Temperature and humidity testThermohygrometer
High-Temperature Furnace
Coating curing performance testFilm Drying Time Recorder
Drying Oven
Спектральный анализFourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR)
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS)
Electrophoretic performance testElectrophoresis Cell
Electrophoresis Power Supply
Spectrophotometric analysisСпектрофотометр
Thermal analysis testThermogravimetric Analyzer (ТГА)
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (ДСК)
Dynamic mechanics testDynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA)
Coating performance testTape Test Instrument
Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Tape

Тестирование краски должно использовать какой инструмент, чтобы помочь вам подвести итоги

These coating testing instruments and equipment provide comprehensive testing means for coating manufacturers to ensure the performance and quality of coating products. Однако, coating testing instruments continue to develop and innovate, and enterprises need to choose appropriate equipment according to their own products and testing needs to adapt to market demand and improve competitiveness. In the practical application process, enterprises should also pay attention to the development of testing technology and standards at home and abroad, so as to better meet the needs of customers and industries.

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