
LR-SDC-80 Измеритель угла падения воды

Краткое содержание

Contact Angle is the tangent line of the gas-liquid interface at the intersection point of gas, жидкие и твердые. Эта касательная линия имеет угол между жидкостью и границей твердого тела и жидкости.. The measurement of contact Angle is the main method for surface performance detection nowadays.

LR-SDC-80 basic contact Angle measuring instrument adopts the principle of optical imaging to measure the surface contact Angle, смачиваемость, surface energy and other properties of the sample by means of image profile analysis. The equipment has high cost performance, comprehensive functions and can meet the requirements of conventional sample surface wettability measurement.


LR-SDC-80 Измеритель угла падения воды


Прибор для измерения угла контакта широко используется в различных отраслях промышленности., в производстве мобильных телефонов, производство стекла, обработка поверхности, исследование материалов, химическая и химическая промышленность, производство полупроводников, краска и чернила, электронные схемы, текстильное волокно, медико-биологическая и другие области, Измерение угла контакта стало важным инструментом для оценки характеристик поверхности..

  1. Wetting behaviors of liquid on solid surface, such as spreading, infiltration and absorption, и т. д., static contact Angle was measured by droplet method;
  2. Measurement of forward Angle, backward Angle, contact Angle lag, rolling Angle and dynamic contact Angle of materials on solid surface;
  3. Continuous real-time research and process recording of absorption materials, and curve analysis of contact Angle changes with time;
  4. Measurement of contact Angle of various special materials, например, порошок, curved surface, superhydrophobic/superhydrophilic samples;
  5. Test the contact Angle of the material immersed in the liquid by adhesive drop method;
  6. Measurement of interfacial tension, polarity and dispersion components of various liquid surface by droplet method;
  7. Calculate the Surface free energy and analyze its polar dispersion component;
  8. Analyze the adherent work of liquid on solid surface to evaluate the uniformity and cleanliness of solid surface.


LR-SDC-80 Измеритель угла падения воды

Equipment Specifications

specification of equipment
Device host
Граничный размер420мм (л) *150мм (Вт) *400мм (ЧАС)
пower supply
platform size130mm×150mm
Maximum sample180mm×∞×30mm
Sample table regulation3D manual adjustment (upgradable automatic)
Ручная регулировка, ход 60 мм, точность 0,1 мм

Left and right manual adjustment, ход 35 мм, точность 0,1 мм

Manual up and down adjustment, ход 80 мм, точность 0,1 мм

пicture pick-up system
Image Maximum3000(H)× 2000(V)
Maximum frame rate70fps
датчикSONY 1/1.8
spectrumBlack and white/Color
Display line weightобычай
time of exposureобычай
источник питания5 VDC USB port
transferUSB3 Vision
Мicroscope objective
focal length100мм
multiplying power8Икс
Resolution scale6~12um
лight source
типSingle wavelength Industrial LED (Cold light)
wave length460нм
light field40mm×20mm
Drip systemDirect injection precision microinjector
режим управленияmanual control
Drop accuracy0.1мкл
инжекторHigh precision airtight syringe
syringe needle0.51mm stainless steel super hydrophobic needle (стандартный)
Contact Angle range0~180°
коэффициент разрешения 0.01°
Contact Angle measurement methodFully automatic, semi-automatic, руководство
analysis modeStop drop method (2/3 state), bubble trapping method, seat drop method
analytical methodStatic analysis, dynamic analysis of increasing and shrinking liquid, dynamic analysis of wetting, real-time analysis, bilateral analysis, forward and backward Angle analysis
Метод испытанияМетод круга, ellipse/oblique ellipse method, differential circle/differential ellipse method, Young-lapalace, width and height method, tangent method, interval method
Сurface free energy
Метод испытанияZisman, OWRK, WU, WU 2, Fowkes, Antonow, Berthelot, EOS, adhesion work, wetting work, spreading coefficient
Дata processing
output modeAutomatically generated, can export/print EXCEL, Слово, spectrum and other report formats

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