
испытательная машина RoHS

RoHS2.0 tester TOTM detector DMF analyzer Benzene series detector
Еда, электроника, автомобильный, электрический, всесторонний

RoHS2.0 tester TOTM detector DMF analyzer Benzene series detector
RoHS test machine product features:

1. Короткое время изготовления образца: 20 minutes/sample making time can meet the needs of enterprise users for rapid screening;

2, no waste gas waste liquid: this without reagent, without pre-treatment, no waste gas waste liquid;

3. Низкая стоимость закупок: Стоимость закупки PY+GCMS составляет 1.5 миллион юаней, TP30-GC procurement cost is less than 400,000 юань;

4, бюджетный: no need for pre-treatment, reagent and consumable, год использования стоит меньше 3000 юань;

5, direct injection, простая операция: direct solid or liquid injection, five operation results, production line workers can operate;

6, встроенная стандартная кривая: more intuitive judgment of material whether benzene exceeded the standard;

7, suitable for 100% полимерные материалы: chemical method is only suitable for 70% материалы, TP30-GC is suitable for 100% материалы;

8, no need for professional laboratory environment: требуется только обычное рабочее пространство с блоком питания для кондиционирования воздуха, который можно установить и использовать;

9, programmable heating: 5 degrees/degree program heating, effectively deal with more complex substances;

10. Full computer workstation software: human-computer interaction is more intuitive and easy, and the extended function Settings are more user-friendly

11, more expansibility: in addition to phthalate, can also expand TOTM(tri-octyl metaphenyltriate), DMF (dimethylformamide), benzene series (бензол, толуол, ксилол), ink in 17 VOCs and other detection items.

12, heating mode: The use of more advanced ceramic heating mode, temperature control is more accurate.

1. Короткое время изготовления образца: 20 minutes/sample making time can meet the needs of enterprise users for rapid screening;

2, no waste gas waste liquid: this without reagent, without pre-treatment, no waste gas waste liquid;

3. Низкая стоимость закупок: Стоимость закупки PY+GCMS составляет 1.5 миллион юаней, TP30-GC procurement cost is less than 400,000 юань;

4, бюджетный: no need for pre-treatment, reagent and consumable, год использования стоит меньше 3000 юань;

5, direct injection, простая операция: direct solid or liquid injection, five operation results, production line workers can operate;

6, встроенная стандартная кривая: more intuitive judgment of material whether benzene exceeded the standard;

7, suitable for 100% полимерные материалы: chemical method is only suitable for 70% материалы, TP30-GC is suitable for 100% материалы;

8, no need for professional laboratory environment: требуется только обычное рабочее пространство с блоком питания для кондиционирования воздуха, который можно установить и использовать;

9, programmable heating: 5 degrees/degree program heating, effectively deal with more complex substances;

10. Full computer workstation software: human-computer interaction is more intuitive and easy, and the extended function Settings are more user-friendly

11, more expansibility: in addition to phthalate, can also expand TOTM(tri-octyl metaphenyltriate), DMF (dimethylformamide), benzene series (бензол, толуол, ксилол), ink in 17 VOCs and other detection items.

12, heating mode: The use of more advanced ceramic heating mode, temperature control is more accurate.испытательная машина RoHS

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