Описан принцип работы ультразвукового толщиномера ТТ100.

Описан принцип работы ультразвукового толщиномера ТТ100.

TT100 ultrasonic thickness gauge is an advanced non-destructive testing instrument that integrates modern electronic technology and measurement technology. Он принимает микрокомпьютер для анализа, обрабатывать и отображать данные, и использует высокооптимизированную схему измерения. Он имеет характеристики высокой точности измерения., широкий диапазон, простота в эксплуатации, стабильная и надежная работа. Продукция широко используется в нефтяной промышленности., химическая индустрия, металлургия, судостроение, авиация, аэрокосмическая и другие области.
The basic working principle of the instrument:

The ultrasonic pulse emitted by the probe reaches the measured object and propagates in the object, and is reflected back to the probe when it reaches the material interface. The thickness of the measured material is determined by measuring the time of the ultrasonic wave propagating in the material.

The TT100 is ideal for measuring the thickness of metals, пластмассы, керамика, glass and any other good superwave conductor.

Nonlinear automatic compensation, the use of computer software to correct the probe nonlinear error to improve the measurement accuracy.

Automatic zero calibration can correct the system error.

It has functions such as coupling state prompt, low voltage prompt, automatic shutdown and so on.

When the measurement thickness of TT130 is less than 100mm, the display resolution is 0.01mm, and other functions are the same as that of TT100.

Suitable for measuring the thickness of steel materials, fixed sound speed 5900m/s, display small unit: 0.1мм.

TT120 adds a high temperature measurement function on the basis of TT110, and the temperature of the measured object can reach up to 300℃.

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