Примена електричних компоненти у испитној комори ниског притиска

Електричне компоненте обично морају да раде на великим висинама или ниском атмосферском притиску, such as in alpine regions or aerospace. To test the durability of electrical components under low atmospheric pressure, the following methods can be used:

Low pressure simulator: The use of a low pressure simulator to simulate air pressure at high altitudes or in aerospace environments. Install the electrical components in the simulator and test them in the simulator.

Low pressure test chamber: Low pressure test chamber can simulate low pressure environment, such as alpine areas and aerospace. The electrical components are placed in a low pressure test chamber and tested in a low pressure environment.

Field testing: Installation of electrical components in equipment at high altitudes or in the aerospace field and testing in a real environment.

Примена електричних компоненти у испитној комори ниског притиска

When testing low-pressure durability, it is necessary to consider the performance changes of electrical components in low-pressure environments, such as electrical properties, mechanical properties and temperature changes. Истовремено, the service life and failure of electrical components in low pressure environments need to be recorded to assess their suitability.

For test equipment to test the durability of low pressure, the following requirements are required:

Low pressure environment control: The test equipment needs to be able to create a low pressure environment, usually in the range of 5 to 10kPa.

Constant temperature and humidity: The test equipment needs to be able to control the constant temperature and humidity in a low pressure environment. The temperature is usually required to be about 20℃ and the humidity is 50%RH.

Data acquisition and analysis system: The test equipment needs to be able to collect and record the data during the test in real time, као што су температура, влажност, air pressure and other parameters, as well as the performance changes of the test sample.

Safety measures: The test equipment should be equipped with appropriate safety measures, such as automatic shutdown and pressure relief protection, to ensure the safety of test operators.

Calibration and verification: Test equipment needs to be calibrated and verified regularly to ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results.

Примена електричних компоненти у испитној комори ниског притиска

Поступак испитивања
Генерално, the specific steps of low pressure durability testing are as follows:

Preparation of specimens: prepare samples according to the required test standards, and record the batch, model, specification and other information of the samples.

Set test conditions: According to the required test standards, set test conditions, including low pressure degree, температура, релативна влажност, time and other parameters.

Preparation before test: After placing the specimen in the specified environment for the pre-treatment time, the preparation before test is carried out, such as measuring the initial size, weight and other data of the specimen.

Low pressure test: The specimen is placed in the low pressure test equipment and tested under the specified low pressure conditions. The deformation, cracking and fracture of the specimen should be recorded during the test.

Recovery period: the specimen is removed from the low-pressure environment and placed under atmospheric pressure conditions for recovery, to observe whether deformation, пуцање, embrittleness and other phenomena occur.

Обрада података: Према резултатима испитивања, data processing and analysis were conducted to evaluate the low-pressure durability of the specimen, and to determine whether the specimen met the relevant standards.

It should be noted that there may be some specific differences between different test standards and specimen types, so it is necessary to read the relevant standards carefully before testing and test in accordance with the standard requirements.

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