Hot air oven common problems and solutions

Пећ на врући ваздух је врста опреме која се користи за сушење, грејање, стерилизација и друге операције материјала, which realizes the treatment of the material by heating the air and circulating it.

A hot air oven usually consists of a heating system, a circulating fan, a control system and an internal studio. Heating systems usually use electric heating elements or gas furnaces to heat the air to a set temperature. A circulating fan circulates hot air to improve thermal efficiency and drying. The control system can accurately control parameters such as temperature, humidity and time to meet the processing needs of different materials.


Hot air oven common problems and solutions

Temperature control is unstable.

The temperature is too high or low.

The temperature inside the oven is uneven.

The oven door is not tightly sealed.

The oven is difficult to start.

Temperature control instability: Проверите радни статус регулатора температуре и положај сензора да бисте утврдили да ли је контролер или сензор неисправан или треба да се замени. Проблем се може решити заменом или поправком одговарајућих делова, или поновно подешавање параметара контроле температуре.

If the temperature is too high or too low, check whether the heating power of the device meets the requirements and whether heating components are faulty or need to be replaced. Можете подесити снагу грејања и температуру уређаја, или замените компоненте грејања по потреби.

Uneven temperature treatment in the oven: Check the working status and position of the fan to see whether the position and heating time of the fan need to be readjusted so that the items in the equipment can be evenly heated.

Improper sealing of the oven door: Check the sealing performance of the oven door and check whether the sealing strips are aging or need to be replaced. The problem can be resolved by replacing or servicing the relevant parts, or by readjugating the oven door.

Oven startup difficulties: Check whether the power supply voltage and wires are normal, and find whether the fan or heater is faulty or needs to be replaced. Проблем се може решити заменом или поправком одговарајућих делова, или репозиционирање опреме.

The north and south tides remind you that the hot air oven needs to be calibrated and maintained regularly. Истовремено, потребно је редовно чистити унутрашњост опреме, проверите перформансе и стање грејача, контролор, сензора и друге опреме, и благовремено заменити или поправити неисправне делове. Додатно, препоручује се одржавање уређаја према упутству за употребу и упутствима за одржавање које је дао произвођач како би се осигурао дуготрајан стабилан рад уређаја.

Hot air oven common problems and solutions

Precautions for use
In the process of using a hot air oven, такође треба обратити пажњу на следеће тачке:

Arrange the placement of the goods to be baked reasonably to ensure that the goods to be baked can be evenly heated and distributed.

Do not accumulate too much debris or items to be baked inside the oven to avoid equipment overload or

Overheating results in device failure or damage. 3. In the process of using the hot air oven, you should follow the instructions and safe operation procedures of the equipment to ensure safe and reliable operation.

If you need to dry toxic and harmful items, you should pay attention to safe operation to prevent harmful gases from leaking and endangering people’s health.

Excessive baking should be avoided when using the equipment, so as not to affect the quality and performance of baked goods.

When baking in the oven, the temperature and heating power in the oven should be checked regularly to ensure the normal operation and use of the equipment.

Укратко, hot air oven is a commonly used heating equipment, and it is necessary to pay attention to the use and maintenance of the equipment to ensure the stability and service life of the equipment. Истовремено, it is necessary to perform regular maintenance according to the manufacturer’s instructions and maintenance guidance to ensure the long-term reliable operation of the equipment.

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