ИСО 10601-2007 “Paint for mica iron oxide pigments specifications and test methods

ИСО (Међународна организација за стандардизацију) је глобални савез националних тела за стандардизацију (Тела чланица ИСО). Развој међународних стандарда се обично спроводи преко ИСО техничких комитета. Свака институција чланица заинтересована за предмет за који је основан технички комитет има право да буде заступљена у тој комисији. Међународне владине и невладине организације које су у вези са ИСО такође су укључене у овај посао. ИСО блиско сарађује са Међународном електротехничком комисијом (ИЕЦ) о свим питањима електротехничке стандардизације.

Међународни стандарди се израђују у складу са правилима датим у ч 2 ИСО/ИЕЦ директиве.

The main task of the technical committee is to set international standards. The draft international standards adopted by the Technical Committee will be circulated to member bodies for voting. Објављивање као међународни стандард захтева одобрење најмање од стране 75% of member bodies.

Please note that certain contents of this document may be subject to patent rights. ИСО није одговоран за идентификацију било ког или свих таквих патената.

ИСО 10601 је развијен од стране Техничког комитета ИСО/ТЦ 35, Боје и лакови, Subcommittee SC 2, Pigments and Fillers.

The second edition cancelled and replaced the technically revised first edition (ИСО 10601:1993).

ИСО 10601-2007 “Paint for mica iron oxide pigments specifications and test methods

The main technological changes are:

а) The grade description has been changed to remove thenon-layered” разред;

б) The requirements for residue on the sieve have been changed.

Mica iron oxide pigments were previously included in ISO 1248 (classified asgray, metallic luster”), but were explicitly excluded in a revision published in 2006. In the revised version of ISO 10601, the requirements for mica iron oxide pigments are more clearly defined and relate to essentially layered particle shapes.

Mica iron oxide pigments vary in composition, size range and particle shape, depending on whether they are produced synthetically or refined as natural oxides, depending on where the ore is mined.

The main use of mica iron oxide is the protective coating of steel structure, in order to obtain better performance, the pigment should have a high content of thin flake particles. Protection is attributed to the tight packing of pigment flakes within the paint film, forming overlapping layers roughly parallel to the substrate. This prevents penetration of the corrosion promoter, reduces UV degradation of the adhesive, and improves film strength. For less important requirements, mica iron oxide pigments with lower flake content may be acceptable. Стога, in this standard, mica ferric oxide pigments are divided into two groups based on sheet content determined by microscopic examination (see Table 1).

For the purposes of this standard, pigments containing less than 50% lamellar particles are not consideredmicaor classified aslamellar”.

1 домет
This standard specifies the requirements and corresponding test methods for dry artificial and natural mica ferric oxide (MIO) pigments used primarily as protective coatings for steel structures.

In accordance with current practice, the general requirements for mica iron oxide pigments have been subdivided

а) Those required requirements (see Table 2)

б) Requirements conditional on prior agreement between interested parties (see Table 3).

In some cases, agreed reference pigments may be used.

2 Normative references
The following references are required for the use of this document. За датиране референце, citation-only versions apply. For undated references, the new version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 150, raw, refined and cooked flaxseed oils for paints and varnishesSpecification and test methods

ИСО 787-2, Опште методе испитивања за пигменте и пунила – Парт 2: Determination of volatiles at 105°C

ИСО 787-3, Опште методе испитивања за пигменте и пунила – Парт 3: Одређивање материја растворљивих у води – Thermal extraction method

ИСО 787-5, Опште методе испитивања за пигменте и пунила – Парт 5: Determination of oil absorption values

ИСО 787-9, Опште методе испитивања за пигменте и пунила – Парт 9: Determination of the pH value of aqueous suspensions

– ИСО 1248, iron oxide pigments – Спецификације и методе испитивања

– ИСО 3549, zinc powder pigments for paints – Спецификације и методе испитивања

ИСО 15528, Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishesSampling

ИСО 10601-2007 “Paint for mica iron oxide pigments specifications and test methods

3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 Mica iron oxide pigment

Refined mineral (also known as specular hematite) or a finished product consisting primarily of iron oxide (III) Fe2O3, having a gray, metallic luster and consisting primarily of particles having a layered form

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