ИСО 12625-3-2014 Tissue paper and tissue products – Парт 3: Determination of thickness, expansion thickness and apparent bulk density and volume

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For a description of the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, and for information on ISO compliance with WTO principles in Technical Barriers to Trade (ТБТ), please refer to the following URL: ForewordSupplementary Information.

ИСО 12625-3, prepared by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 172 (Pulp, папир и картон) of the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) in cooperation with the Technical Committee ISO/TC 6 (папир, board and pulp) and Subcommittee SC 2 (Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board), Comply with the technical cooperation agreement between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).

This second. Version cancels and replaces the technically revised first version (ИСО 12625-3:2005).

For ISO 12625-3:2005, the following minor changes have been made:

а) The title has been changed; Addbulk”;

б) The accuracy data in Annex A has been adjusted according to existing equipment capabilities and calibration procedures;

ц) Prepare specimens with more accurate descriptions and reformulate 7.1 и 7.4;

d) Edit and update.

ИСО 12625 consists of the following parts under the general heading Tissue Paper and household paper products

— Парт 1: General guidance on articles;

— Парт 3: Determination of thickness, expansion thickness, apparent bulk density and volume

— Парт 4: Determination of tensile strength, tensile at break and tensile energy absorption;

— Парт 5: Determination of wet tensile strength;

— Парт 6: Determination of gram weight;

— Парт 7: Determination of optical propertiesMeasurement of luminance and chroma (outdoor daylight) using D65/10°;

— Парт 8: Water absorption time and capacity; Basket soaking test method;

— Парт 9: Determination of blasting strength of the ball;

— Парт 11: Determination of wet-bulb bursting strength;

— Парт 12: Determination of tensile strength of perforated linescalculation of perforating efficiency;

— Парт 15 Determination of optical propertiesMeasurement of luminance and chroma using a C/2° (indoor daylight) light source;

— Парт 16 Determination of optical propertiesOpacity (paper backing) — diffuse reflection method

ИСО 12625-3-2014 Tissue paper and tissue products – Парт 3: Determination of thickness, expansion thickness and apparent bulk density and volume

Thickness is an important characteristic of household paper and household paper products.

In the household paper industry, thickness-related parameters are often measured, such as the diameter of rolls for rolled products (kitchen towels) or stack height for folded products (paper towels). Међутим, not only end-use household paper products, but also the basic household paper from which these products are produced are also the subject of trade between companies and countries, which means that there is a real need for consistent thickness measurements that can be applied to household paper products at any stage of their manufacture.

It is well known that the thickness of tissue paper and tissue products depends on the pressure applied to the material at the time of measurement. The household paper industry has used several different loading pressures, pressure foot diameters, and loading speeds. Овај део ИСО-а 12625 was developed by harmonizing the standards applicable to tissues and tissue products currently in use. It specifies a single loading pressure, foot diameter and loading speed for all thickness measurements of tissue and tissue products.

It is clearly stated that tissue paper and tissue products should be tested for impurities and dents in accordance with ISO 15755.

ИСО 287 or ISO 638 should be used to determine moisture content in tissue and household paper products.

1 домет
Овај део ИСО-а 12625 specifies a test method for determining thickness and expansion thickness, as well as calculating the apparent bulk density and volume of tissue and household paper and tissue paper products at a pressure of 2,0 кПа.

Note that this part of ISO 12625 is intended to provide a consistent test method for determining the thickness and density of tissue paper and tissue products. ИСО 534 covers the corresponding test methods for paper and board.

2 Normative references
All or part of the following documents are referred to normatively in this document and are not available for their use. За датиране референце, citation-only versions apply. For undated references, the new version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 186, Папир и картон — Sampling to determine average quality

ИСО 187, Папир, board and pulpStandard atmospheres for conditioning and testing and procedures for monitoring sample atmospheres and conditioning

ИСО 12625-1, tissue and household paper products – Парт 1: General guidance on terminology

ИСО 12625-6, Tissue paper and tissue products – Парт 6: Determination of gram weight

ИСО 12625-3-2014 Tissue paper and tissue products – Парт 3: Determination of thickness, expansion thickness and apparent bulk density and volume

3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions set forth in ISO 12625-1 and below apply.

3.1 Thickness of single layer

The distance between the two main surfaces of a single layer of tissue paper measured under static load applied as specified in this part of ISO 12625

Белешка 1: A tissuelayeris an unlaminated tissue, like tissue made directly from a toilet paper mechanism.

3.2 Sheet thickness

The distance between the two main surfaces of a single paper towel product measured under the applied static load specified in this part of ISO 12625

Белешка 1: Tissuesheetsare laminated or unlaminated tissue, as present in finished paper towel products.

3.3 Expansion thickness

The thickness of a single sheet of tissue paper or tissue product, calculated from the thickness of several sheets of superimposed paper, is measured under the applied static load specified in this part of ISO 12625

3.4 Apparent packing density

The quality of tissue paper or tissue product per unit volume, calculated according to its gram weight and expanded thickness

Белешка 1: Apparent packing density is expressed in grams per cubic centimeter.

3.5 Bulk

Apparent specific volume

Reciprocal density

Белешка 1: Volume is expressed in cubic centimeters per gram.


The mass per unit area of tissue paper or tissue paper products as determined by the procedure in ISO 12625-6

Белешка 1 Entry: The gram weight of the entry is expressed in grams per square meter (g/m 2).

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