ИСО 12625-8-2010 Toilet paper and sanitary paper products – Парт 8: Water absorption time and capacity, basket soaking test method

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ИСО 12625-8-2010 Toilet paper and sanitary paper products – Парт 8: Water absorption time and capacity, basket soaking test method

ИСО 12625-8 is produced by the Technical Committee of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) CEN/TC 172 (Pulp, папир и картон) in collaboration with the Technical Committee ISO/TC 6 (Папир, board and pulp) and Sub-committee SC 2 (Test methods and quality specifications for paper and board). Prepared in accordance with the Technical Cooperation Agreement between ISO and CEN (Vienna Agreement).

The second edition cancels and replaces the technically revised first edition (ИСО 12625-8:2006).

The fundamental change in this standard is the separation of so-calledmanual methodsand the exclusion ofautomatic methods”. За више детаља, see Introduction.

ИСО 12625 састоји се од следећих делова, under the general heading Tissue paper and household paper products:

– Парт 1: General principles of terminology use

– Парт 3: Determination of thickness, swelling thickness and apparent packing density

– Парт 4: Determination of tensile strength, tensile at break and tensile energy absorption

– Парт 5: Determination of wet tensile strength

– Парт 6: Determination of gram weight

– Парт 7: Determination of optical propertiesMeasurement of luminance and chroma

– Парт 8: Water absorption time and capacity, basket soaking test method

– Парт 9: Determination of the bursting strength of the ball

– Парт 12: Determination of tensile strength of perforating linesCalculation of perforating efficiency

ИСО 12625-8-2010 Toilet paper and sanitary paper products – Парт 8: Water absorption time and capacity, basket soaking test method

Овај део ИСО-а 12625 describes a principle for determining the water absorption properties of tissue and household paper by inserting a sample piece into a cylindrical basket submerged in water. The result is expressed as

Suction time, as well

Ability to absorb water.

In European and international trade, water absorption time and water absorption capacity are important parameters in the field of comparison of household paper products.

Both manual and automatic methods exist, but the procedures described in this part of ISO 12625 refer only to manual devices. The reason is that accurate results obtained using different automated methods included in inter-laboratory studies are not acceptable compared to results obtained using manual test methods.

Међутим, automated test methods can be used, provided they can be shown to give the same results as manual methods in terms of mean and standard deviation.

ИСО 12625-8-2010 Toilet paper and sanitary paper products – Парт 8: Water absorption time and capacity, basket soaking test method

1 Range
Овај део ИСО-а 12625 specifies a basket immersion test method for determining the water absorption time and capacity of tissue and tissue paper.

It is specified that impurities and dents in tissue paper and tissue paper products are tested according to ISO 15755.

For the determination of moisture content in tissue paper and tissue paper products, ИСО 287 примењује.

2 Normative references
Следеће референтне датотеке су потребне за примену овог документа. За датиране референце, примењује се само наведена верзија. For undated references, a new version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 186, Папир и картон – sampling to determine average quality

ИСО 187, Папир, board and pulpStandard atmospheres for conditioning and testing and procedures for monitoring sample atmospheres and conditioning

ИСО 14487, pulpStandard water for physical testing

ИСО 12625-8-2010 Toilet paper and sanitary paper products – Парт 8: Water absorption time and capacity, basket soaking test method

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 Време апсорпције

The time required for the sample to be fully wetted

3.2 Water absorption capacity

The amount of water absorbed by the specimen per unit mass under specified conditions

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Paint film marking test automatic coating machine

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