ИСО 147131-1-2017 Guidance and recommendations on corrosion resistance of iron and steel in galvanized structures – Парт 1: General principles for design and corrosion resistance

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ИСО 147131-1-2017 Guidance and recommendations on corrosion resistance of iron and steel in galvanized structures – Парт 1: General principles for design and corrosion resistance

Explanations of the relevant standards of voluntary, ISO specific terms related to conformity assessment and the expression of meaning, and the ISO in the technical barriers to trade (ТБТ) adhere to the principle of the world trade organization (WTO) information, please refer to the following address: iso.org/iso/foreword.html.

This document has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 107, Metal and Other Inorganic Coatings, Пододбор СЦ 4, Hot-dip Coatings (Galvanizing, итд.).

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ИСО 14713-1:2009), which is a minor revision following the publication of ISO 17668:2016 и ИСО 9223:2012, with the following changes:

– ИСО 17668 has replaced EN 13811;

Revise Table 1 to be consistent with the corresponding description of typical environments in Table C.1 of ISO 9223:2012 and to make it more clear that the corrosion rates provided are for the first year of exposure.

A list of all the parts in the ISO 14713 series can be found on the ISO website.

1 Обим примене
This document provides guidance and advice on general design principles applicable to articles to be galvanised against corrosion and the level of resistance provided by the galvanised coating of iron and steel articles exposed to a variety of environments. Initial protection involves

Standard processes available,

Design considerations, и

Use environment.

This document applies to zinc coatings applied by the following processes:

а) Hot-dip galvanized coating (post-manufacturing application);

б) Hot-dip galvanized coating (for continuous sheet);

ц) zincizing coating;

d) Thermal spraying layer;

e) mechanical coating;

ф) electrodeposition coating.

These guidelines and recommendations do not address the protection of galvanized steel against corrosion in use. Guidance on this topic can be found in ISO 12944-5 и ИСО 12944-8.

Белешка: There are a variety of product-related standards (на пример., nails, fasteners, ductile iron pipes, итд.) that impose specific requirements on the galvanizing system applied, which go beyond any general guidelines presented in this document. These product-specific requirements will take precedence over these general recommendations.

2 Normative reference files
ИСО 1461, Hot dip galvanized coatings on iron and steel productsspecification and test methods

– ИСО 2063, Thermal spraying – Метални и други неоргански премази – zinc, aluminium and their alloys

ИСО 2064, Metallic and other Inorganic CoatingsDefinitions and conventions for thickness measurement

ИСО 8044:2015, Корозија метала и легура – Basic terms and definitions

ИСО 12683, Mechanical deposition coatings of zincSpecification and test methods

ИСО 17668, Zinc diffused coatings on ferrous metal productszincizing – Спецификација

3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 1461, ИСО 2063, ИСО 2064, ИСО 8044, ИСО 12683 и ИСО 17668 and the following apply.

ISO and IEC maintain databases of terms for standardization at the following addresses:

— ИЕЦ Елецтропедиа: доступно на елецтропедиа.орг/

– ИСО платформа за претраживање на мрежи исо.орг/обп

3.1 Atmospheric corrosion

Corrosion with the Earth’s atmosphere at ambient temperature is called corrosive environment

[Извор: ИСО 8044:2015, 3.4]

3.2 High Temperature

The temperature between +60 °C and +200 °C

3.3 Special Exposure

Special cases, such as exposure, can significantly exacerbate corrosion exposure and/or place higher requirements on corrosion protection systems

3.4 Life to first maintenance

The amount of time that can pass after the initial coating before the coating deteriorates to the point where maintenance is required to restore the protection of the base metal

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