ИСО 15711-2003 “Determination of Cathodic stripping resistance of paints and varnishes exposed to seawater

А Префаце
ИСО (Међународна организација за стандардизацију) је глобални савез националних тела за стандардизацију (Тела чланица ИСО). Развој међународних стандарда се обично спроводи преко ИСО техничких комитета. Свака институција чланица заинтересована за предмет за који је основан технички комитет има право да буде заступљена у комитету. У овај посао су укључене и владине и невладине међународне организације које су у вези са организацијама за стандардизацију. ИСО блиско сарађује са Међународном електротехничком комисијом (ИЕЦ) о свим питањима електричне стандардизације.

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Главни задатак техничког комитета је развој међународних стандарда. Нацрти међународних стандарда које је усвојио Технички комитет биће прослеђени телима чланицама на гласање. Објављивање као међународни стандард захтева одобрење најмање од стране 75% институција чланица.

Please note that certain contents of this document may be subject to patent rights. ИСО није одговоран за идентификацију било ког или свих таквих патентних права.

ИСО 15711 је развијен од стране Техничког комитета ИСО/ТЦ 35, Боје и лакови, Subcommittee SC 9, General test methods for paints and varnishes.

ИСО 15711-2003 “Determination of Cathodic stripping resistance of paints and varnishes exposed to seawater

This standard describes two methods for determining the ability of paints or other organic coatings applied to metal substrates to withstand cathodic debonding. These methods can also provide a basis for comparing specific coatings. The test conditions are more severe than those that might be encountered under normal conditions and therefore may accelerate coating failure. Testing is recommended for at least 26 weeks, so these methods are not suitable as a means of achieving quality control.

The method is applicable to coatings used to protect ships and structures exposed to seawater. Method A is based on procedures developed and evaluated by the COIPM (International Standing Committee for the Protection of Malin Materials).

Test results may be influenced not only by the performance of the coating system under test, but also by the nature and preparation of the substrate, the method of application of the coating system, and other factors.

1 Обим
This standard describes two methods for determining the ability of paints or other organic coatings applied to metal substrates to withstand cathodic debonding when the surface coating may contain or develop discontinuities. These methods are suitable for coatings that are exposed to Marine water, such as those applied to ships or Marine structures. They are not suitable for assessing the ability of coatings to withstand cathodic debonding on terrestrial structures.

Method A involves the use of a cathodic protection circuit where the electrode potential of the test substrate is controlled by a constant potential.

Method B involves the use of a sacrificial anode attached to the test substrate. This reflects the practical method of cathodic protection commonly used on ships.

ИСО 15711-2003 “Determination of Cathodic stripping resistance of paints and varnishes exposed to seawater

2 Normative references
The following references are required for the application of this document. За датиране референце, примењује се само наведена верзија. For undated references, the new version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 554, standard atmosphere-specification for conditioning and/or testing

ИСО 1513, Боје и лакови – Examination and preparation of test samples

ИСО 1514, Боје и лакови — Test standard panel

ИСО 2808, Боје и лакови — Determination of film thickness

ИСО 3270, Paints and varnishes and their raw materialstemperature and humidity regulated and tested

ИСО 3696, analytical laboratory water usespecifications and test methods

ИСО 4624, Боје и лакови — Adhesion pulloff test

ИСО 4628-2, Боје и лакови — Assessment of degradation of coatingsDesignation of the number and size of defects and the intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Парт 2: Assessment of the degree of foaming

ИСО 8501-1, Preparation of steel substrates before application of paint and related products – Визуелна процена чистоће површине – Парт 1: Corrosion class and preparation class of uncoated steel substrates and steel substrates after overall removal of previous coating

ИСО 12944-6, Боје и лакови — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective coating systems — Парт 6: Laboratory performance test methods

ИСО 15528, Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishesSampling

ИСО 15711-2003 “Determination of Cathodic stripping resistance of paints and varnishes exposed to seawater

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 Cathode debonding
Failure of bonding between the coating and the metal surface, which is directly attributable to cathodic protection conditions and is often caused by defects in the coating system, such as accidental damage, imperfect application, or excessive coating permeability

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