ИСО 23226-2020 “Corrosion of Metals and alloysGuide to corrosion testing of metals and alloys exposed to deep seawater

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This document has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 156, Corrosion of Metals and Alloys.

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ИСО 23226-2020 “Corrosion of Metals and alloysGuide to corrosion testing of metals and alloys exposed to deep seawater

With the development of the offshore oil and gas industry, oil and gas exploration and production activities have expanded to the deep sea. Many subsea equipment and systems for oil/gas production are already deployed in deep water. A number of instruments have also been placed on the seabed for environmental observation and scientific exploration. Corrosion is a critical issue for these valuable installations because it seriously impacts the performance, reliability and safety of these equipment and systems.

This document provides guidance for corrosion testing of metals and alloys exposed to deep seawater. Tests can be performed according to specified conditions and procedures, and meaningful comparisons can be made between different tests.

1 домет
This document gives guidance on corrosion testing of exposed metals and alloys in deep water, including selection of test sites, components and assemblies of test systems, sample preparation, test procedures, evaluation after retrieval from exposed sites, and test reports.

This document is applicable to general corrosion exposure testing of metals and alloys as well as local corrosion testing, such as stress corrosion cracking (SCC) тестирање, galvanic corrosion testing and crevice corrosion testing of deep seawater samples.

Tests of exposure to other materials (such as composites and elastomers) in the deep ocean can also be conducted with reference to these guidelines, but the assessment of these materials after recovery is different from that of metals and alloys.

This document does not include performance tests of sacrificial anodes for cathodic protection in the deep-sea field, which can be performed in deep-sea exposures using specified test units and equipment. Међутим, the guidelines can also provide reference for the performance test of sacrificial anodes in deep seawater.

2 Normative references
The following files are referenced in the text in such a way that some or all of the content constitutes the requirements of this document. За датиране референце, citation-only versions apply. For undated references, the latest version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 8044, Корозија метала и легура – Vocabulary

3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 8044 and the following articles apply.

3.1 Deep Sea Water

Saltwater area, the depth of the general between 200 meters to thousands of meters

Белешка 1: Deep seawater has a corrosive environment and parameters such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen content, microbial and biological contamination are very different from surface seawater.

3.2 Test Site

The location where corrosion tests are carried out in deep sea exposure

3.3 Service Environment

An environment where data needs to be corrupted

3.4 Test Rack

A structure that houses a sample or a sample module

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