ИСО 4998-2014 “Континуиране вруће поцинковане и цинк-феро обложене плоче од угљеничног челика за квалитет конструкције”

ИСО (Међународна организација за стандардизацију) је глобални савез националних тела за стандардизацију (Тела чланица ИСО). Развој међународних стандарда се обично спроводи преко ИСО техничких комитета. Свака институција чланица заинтересована за предмет за који је основан технички комитет има право да буде заступљена у тој комисији. Међународне владине и невладине организације које су у вези са ИСО такође су укључене у овај посао. ИСО блиско сарађује са Међународном електротехничком комисијом (ИЕЦ) о свим питањима електричне стандардизације.

Процедуре које се користе за израду овог документа и оне које се користе за даље одржавање описане су у Делу 1 ИСО/ИЕЦ директиве. Нарочито, треба обратити пажњу на различите критеријуме одобрења који су потребни за различите типове ИСО докумената. This document has been drafted in accordance with the editing rules of ISO/IEC Directive Part 2 (види исо.орг/дирецтивес).

Please note that certain elements of this document may be subject to patent rights. ИСО није одговоран за идентификацију било ког или свих таквих патената. Details of any patent rights identified during the preparation of the document will be found in the introduction and/or in the list of patent claims received by ISO (see iso.org/patents).

ИСО 4998-2014 “Континуиране вруће поцинковане и цинк-феро обложене плоче од угљеничног челика за квалитет конструкције”

Any trade names used in this document are provided for the convenience of the user and do not constitute an endorsement.

For a description of the meaning of specific ISO terms and expressions related to conformity assessment, and for information on ISO’s compliance with WTO principles in Technical Barriers to Trade (ТБТ), please see the following URL: ForewordSupplementary information

The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 17, Steel, Subcommittee SC 12, Flat Rolled Products for Continuous rolling mills.

The sixth edition cancels and replaces the technically revised fifth edition (ИСО 4998:2011).

ИСО 4998-2014 “Континуиране вруће поцинковане и цинк-феро обложене плоче од угљеничног челика за квалитет конструкције”

1 Домет
1.1 This international standard specifies the structural quality of continuous hot-dip galvanized and zinc-iron alloy coated carbon steel plates.

1.2 The product is suitable for applications where the importance of corrosion resistance cannot be overstated.

1.3 Steel plates are available in a variety of grades, coating quality, ordering conditions and surface treatment.

1.4 This International standard does not include steels classified as commercial or tensile quality by ISO 3575[2].

2 Normative references
All or part of the following documents are referred to normatively in this document and are required for their application. За датиране референце, примењује се само наведена верзија. For undated references, a new version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 2178, Non-magnetic coatings on magnetic substratesMeasurement of coating thicknessMagnetic methods

ИСО 3497, metallic coatingsMeasurement of coating thicknessX-ray spectroscopy

ИСО 6892-1, Metallic materialsTensile testing – Парт 1: Test methods at room temperature

ИСО 7438, Metallic materials – Тест савијања

ИСО 16163:2012, Continuous hot-dip coated steel plate products. Size and shape tolerances

ИСО 4998-2014 “Континуиране вруће поцинковане и цинк-феро обложене плоче од угљеничног челика за квалитет конструкције”

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

3.1 Continuous hot dip galvanized steel plate

Product obtained by hot dip coating of cold reduced sheet coil or hot rolled descaling sheet coil on a continuous galvanizing line

3.2 Common Coating

A coating formed as a result of the unrestricted growth of zinc crystals during normal solidification

Белешка 1: This coating has a metallic luster and is of the type commonly used for a variety of applications. It can be supplied as S or N; Међутим, its appearance can be varied and not suitable for decorative painting.

3.3 Minimal glitter coating

A coating obtained by limiting normal flash formation during zinc solidification

Белешка 1: The surface appearance of the product may lack uniformity within or between coils.

ИСО 4998-2014 “Континуиране вруће поцинковане и цинк-феро обложене плоче од угљеничног челика за квалитет конструкције”

3.4 Smooth surface treatment

Smooth coating produced by skin treatment of coating materials to achieve improved surface conditions compared to ordinary coated products

3.5 Zinc-iron alloy coating

A coating produced by machining galvanized steel plates so that the coating formed on the base material consists of a zinc-iron alloy

Белешка 1: The product is named ZF, has no glitter, is usually dull in appearance, and for some applications can be painted immediately without further treatment in addition to normal cleaning. Zinc-iron alloy coatings are powdery during heavy molding.

3.6 Differentiated Coatings

A coating that has a specified coating quality name on one surface and a different coating quality name on another surface

ИСО 4998-2014 “Континуиране вруће поцинковане и цинк-феро обложене плоче од угљеничног челика за квалитет конструкције”

3.7 Skin Pass

Light cold rolling of galvanized steel sheet

Белешка 1: The purpose of the skin channel is to produce a higher degree of surface smoothness, thereby improving the appearance of the surface. Skin channels can also temporarily reduce surface conditions called Luder’s Lines or grooves that occur during the manufacturing of finished parts. Skin channels can also control and improve flatness. Skin passing results in increased hardness and loss of ductility.

3.8 A lot

Plates of the same grade under 50 tons are rolled to the same thickness and coating conditions

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