ИСО 9022-3-2015 Optics and optical instrumentsEnvironmental test methods – Парт 3: Mechanical stress

ИСО (Међународна организација за стандардизацију) је глобални савез националних тела за стандардизацију (Тела чланица ИСО). Развој међународних стандарда се обично спроводи преко ИСО техничких комитета. Свака институција чланица заинтересована за предмет за који је основан технички комитет има право да буде заступљена у тој комисији. Међународне владине и невладине организације које су у вези са ИСО такође су укључене у овај посао. ИСО блиско сарађује са Међународном електротехничком комисијом (ИЕЦ) о свим питањима електричне стандардизације.

Процедуре које се користе за израду овог документа и оне које се користе за даље одржавање описане су у Делу 1 ИСО/ИЕЦ директиве. Нарочито, треба обратити пажњу на различите критеријуме одобрења који су потребни за различите типове ИСО докумената. This document has been drafted in accordance with the editing rules of ISO/IEC Directive Part 2 (види исо.орг/дирецтивес).

Please note that certain elements of this document may be subject to patent rights. ИСО није одговоран за идентификацију било ког или свих таквих патената. Details of any patent rights identified during the preparation of the document will be found in the introduction and/or in the list of patent claims received by ISO (see iso.org/patents).

ИСО 9022-3-2015 Optics and optical instrumentsEnvironmental test methods – Парт 3: Mechanical stress

Any trade names used in this document are provided for the convenience of the user and do not constitute an endorsement.

Voluntary, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific and express the meaning of terminology as well as in relevant ISO technical barriers to trade (ТБТ) adhere to the principle of the world trade organization (WTO) information, please refer to the iso.org/iso/foreword.html.

This document has been prepared by ISO/TC 172 Optical and Photonics Technical Committee SC 1 basic standard.

The fourth edition cancels and replaces the technically revised third edition (ИСО 9022-3:2015). It also incorporates Amendment 1 (ИСО 9022-3:2015 /Amd 1:2020).

The main changes are as follows:

ИСО 9022-3-2015 Optics and optical instrumentsEnvironmental test methods – Парт 3: Mechanical stress

Footnotes in Tables 11, 12, и 13 have been modified.

A list of all the components in the ISO 9022 series can be found on the ISO website.

Any feedback or questions regarding this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at www.iso.org/members.html.

Optical instruments are subject to many different environmental parameters during use, which need to be resisted without significantly degrading performance and remaining within prescribed specifications.

The type and severity of these parameters depend on the conditions under which the instrument is used (на пример, in a laboratory or workshop) and its geographical location. The environmental effects on the performance of optical instruments in tropical and subtropical regions are completely different from those found when used in the Arctic. Each parameter will have different overlapping effects on the performance of the instrument.

ИСО 9022-3-2015 Optics and optical instrumentsEnvironmental test methods – Парт 3: Mechanical stress

Manufacturers try to ensure that, naturally, users expect the instrument to be resistant to the rigors that its environment can bring throughout its life cycle. This expectation can be assessed by exposing the instrument to a range of simulated environmental parameters under controlled laboratory conditions. The severity of these diseases is often increased in order to achieve meaningful results in a relatively short period of time.

To evaluate and compare the response of optical instruments to appropriate environmental conditions, the ISO 9022 series contains detailed information on many laboratory tests that reliably simulate a wide range of different environments. These tests are mainly based on IEC standards, modified if necessary to take into account the special functions of the optical instrument.

Due to the continuous progress in various fields, optical instruments are no longer just precision designed optical products, but also contain other components from other fields, depending on their range of application. Стога, the main functions of the instrument will be evaluated to determine which international standard should be used for testing. If optical functions are important, then ISO 9022 series is applicable, but if other functions are preferred, appropriate international standards in the relevant field should be applied. There may be situations where it is necessary to apply the ISO 9022 series together with other appropriate international standards.

ИСО 9022-3-2015 Optics and optical instrumentsEnvironmental test methods – Парт 3: Mechanical stress

1 Домет
This document specifies methods for environmental testing of optical instruments, including add-ons from other fields (such as mechanical, chemical and electronic equipment), and their ability to resist the effects of mechanical stress under the same conditions.

The purpose of the test is to investigate the extent to which the optical, climatic, mechanical, chemical and electrical (including electrostatic) performance characteristics of the specimen are affected by mechanical stress.

2 Normative references

The following files are referenced in text in a manner that constitutes part or all of the requirements of this document. За датиране референце, примењује се само наведена верзија. For undated references, a new version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 9022-1, Optics and photonicsEnvironmental test methods – Парт 1: Дефиниција, test scope

ИЕЦ 60068-2-6:2007, Environmental Testing. Парт 2-6: TestingTesting FC: Vibration (Sinusoidal)

ИЕЦ 60068-2-7, Environmental tests-Part 2-7: Tests-Testing Ga and guidelines: Acceleration, steady state

ИЕЦ 60068-2-27, Environmental testing – Парт 2-27: TestingTesting EA and guidelines: Утицај

ИСО 9022-3-2015 Optics and optical instrumentsEnvironmental test methods – Парт 3: Mechanical stress

ИЕЦ 60068-2-31, Environmental tests-Part 2-31: Tests-Test EC: Rough handling of shocks, mainly for equipment-type specimens

ИЕЦ 60068-2-47, Environmental tests-Part 2-47: Tests-Installation of specimens for vibration, shock and similar dynamic tests

ИЕЦ 60068-2-55, Environmental testing – Парт 2-55: TestingTesting Ee and guidelines: Bulk cargo testing including rebound

ИЕЦ 60068-2-64, Environmental testing – Парт 2-64: Test methodsTesting Fh: Vibration, broadband randomization and guidance

3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.

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