ИСО 9117-4-2012 Drying tests for paints and varnishes – Парт 4: Testing with mechanical recorders

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Главни задатак техничког комитета је развој међународних стандарда. Нацрт међународног стандарда који је усвојио Технички комитет биће прослеђен телима чланицама на гласање. Објављивање као међународни стандард захтева одобрење најмање од стране 75% институција чланица.

Please note that certain elements of this document may be subject to patent rights. ИСО није одговоран за идентификацију било ког или свих таквих патената.

ИСО 9117-4-2012 Drying tests for paints and varnishes – Парт 4: Testing with mechanical recorders

ИСО 9117-4 је развијен од стране Техничког комитета ИСО/ТЦ 35, Боје и лакови, Пододбор СЦ 9, Common Test Methods for paints and varnishes.

ИСО 9117 састоји се од следећих делова, under the general heading Paints and varnishesDrying Tests:

– Парт 1: Determination of drying state and drying time

– Парт 2: Stress testing for stackability

– Парт 3: Surface drying test using Balotini

– Парт 4: Testing using a mechanical recorder

– Парт 5: Modified Bando-Wolff test

– Парт 6: Print-free testing

ИСО 9117-4-2012 Drying tests for paints and varnishes – Парт 4: Testing with mechanical recorders

The drying time of the coating is important in determining when a newly painted room, floor or staircase can be re-used or when newly painted items can be handled or packaged. Slow drying may lead to dirt contamination, or on the outside surface, moisture may cause an uneven appearance.

The tests described in this part of ISO 9117 are used to determine, using a mechanical recorder, the various stages of drying or curing during the formation of an organic coating dry film in order to compare coating type or composition changes, or both. For quantitative assessment of the drying phase, the use of a recorder under controlled environmental conditions is strongly recommended. The use of mechanical recorders also provides a way to determine the drying characteristics of coatings that cannot be determined during a standard 8-hour working day.

This test can be used to compare the behavior of the same generic type coating during the drying process. The actual drying time shall be determined in accordance with the procedures specified in ISO9117-1 or ISO 9117-3.

1 Range
Овај део ИСО-а 9117 specifies tests using a mechanical linear or circular drying time recorder to determine the time required to reach the various stages of drying of an organic coating. Using a mechanical recorder is valuable for comparing the drying behavior of coatings of the same generic type, when one coating may form a gel at a faster rate than another or may resist scratching better than another. The test is designed to simulate the conditions that exist when painted items are stacked on top of each other.

ИСО 9117-4-2012 Drying tests for paints and varnishes – Парт 4: Testing with mechanical recorders

2 Normative references
Следеће референтне датотеке су потребне за примену овог документа. За датиране референце, примењује се само наведена верзија. For undated references, a new version of the reference (укључујући све ревизије) примењује.

ИСО 1513, Боје и лакови – Examination and preparation of test samples

ИСО 1514, Боје и лакови – Standard panels for testing

ИСО 2808, Боје и лакови – Determination of film thickness

ИСО 3270, Paints and varnishes and their raw materialsregulation and testing of temperature and humidity

ИСО 15528, Paints, varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishesSampling

Јаван је само одељак са стандардним информацијама. Да бисте видели цео садржај, морате купити стандард преко званичних канала.

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