Примена ув УВ коморе за испитивање старења у намештају

Намештај се обично користи у затвореним и отвореним окружењима где је изложен дневној светлости, ultraviolet rays and other climatic factors. These factors can cause color fading, surface deterioration, quality degradation or other performance problems in furniture materials. In order to evaluate the durability and performance of furniture materials, ultraviolet aging test chamber can simulate the ultraviolet radiation and climate conditions in the real environment, by accelerating the aging process of furniture, процена учинка.

Примена ув УВ коморе за испитивање старења у намештају

Concrete steps
The following are the specific steps in the application of UV aging test box in furniture:

Choose furniture materials that meet the requirements, such as wood, тканина, боје, лепак, итд. Select appropriate samples for testing according to different parts and materials of furniture.

Према захтевима испитивања, одредити извор ултраљубичастог зрачења, температура, параметара влажности и времена зрачења у испитној комори. Ови услови би требало да буду у стању да симулирају стварно УВ зрачење и климатске услове као што је излагање сунчевој светлости, висока температура, влажност, итд.

Attach the sample of furniture material to the sample table of the test chamber to ensure that the sample surface is exposed to UV light sources. For large furniture, representative samples can be selected for testing.

Покрените УВ комору за старење и изложите узорак симулираном УВ зрачењу. Према постављеним условима испитивања, зрачење на одређено време. Истовремено, the hot and humid cycle can be selectively carried out to simulate the real climate environment.

Periodically monitor and record the performance changes of furniture samples. Можете користити одговарајуће инструменте и опрему, such as color measuring instrument, машина за испитивање затезања, итд., to measure and record the color change, strength, surface quality and other indicators of furniture.

Према подацима теста и индексу евалуације, the aging degree and performance changes of furniture samples were analyzed. Упоредите разлике између различитих узорака за тестирање да бисте проценили трајност, stability and service life of furniture materials.

Testing through the UV aging test chamber can provide durability assessment of furniture materials, guide manufacturers and users to select appropriate materials, and ensure the performance and appearance requirements of furniture in actual use. This helps to provide high quality and durable furniture products that meet consumer needs and expectations.

Примена ув УВ коморе за испитивање старења у намештају

Индустријски стандард
In the UV aging test of furniture, могу се позвати на следеће индустријске стандарде:

ASTM G154 is a standard published by the American Society for Materials and Testing (АСТМ) for the operation of fluorescent ultraviolet (УВ) lamp equipment to perform exposure tests on nonmetallic materials. This standard provides procedures and requirements for UV aging tests.

ИСО 4892-3 је стандард који је објавила Међународна организација за стандардизацију (ИСО) for exposure methods of plastic materials to laboratory light sources, including fluorescent ultraviolet (УВ) lamps. The standard specifies the methods and conditions for UV aging tests.

Примена ув УВ коморе за испитивање старења у намештају

Специфична примена
Специфични случајеви примене укључују, али нису ограничени на следећа поља:

Indoor furniture: UV aging test chamber can be used to evaluate the durability and color stability of indoor furniture materials. На пример, the surface coating of wood furniture, dyes and fibers of fabric furniture, and the appearance of plastic furniture, итд.

Outdoor furniture: UV aging test chamber can be used to evaluate the weatherability and durability of outdoor furniture materials. На пример, the properties of materials, coatings and dyes for outdoor furniture under long-term exposure to natural environments such as sunlight, rain and temperature changes.

Vehicle interior: UV aging test chamber can be used to evaluate the light stability and color fastness of vehicle interior materials. На пример, the fabric material of the carriage seat, the plastic material of the door trim panel, итд., in the case of daily use and long-term exposure to UV.

Commercial office furniture: UV aging test boxes can be used to evaluate the durability and appearance changes of commercial office furniture materials. На пример, the fabric of the office chair, the coating of the desk and the wood material, the performance of different office environmental conditions.

Home decor: UV aging test chamber can be used to evaluate the durability and color stability of home decor materials. На пример, the plastic shell of decorative lamps, fabric materials for wall decoration, итд., in the case of long-term exposure to indoor light and sunlight performance.

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