Која својства треба испитати за флексибилне емулзије? Које су методе детекције?

Флексибилна емулзија је врста емулзије са флексибилним полимером као главном компонентом. It is different from the traditional emulsion, it has excellent flexibility, scratch resistance, water resistance, издржљивост, elasticity and other characteristics. Common flexible polymers include acrylate copolymers, neoprene, silicone rubber, полиуретан, итд. Flexible emulsion is widely used in plastics, грађевински материјал, текстилне, електроника, аутомобилске, медицинске и друге области, can be used to prepare a variety of high-performance materials, премази, лепкова, sealing materials, elastomers, итд.

Detection performance
The following are the common performance parameters to be tested for flexible emulsions and their brief descriptions:

Performance parametersA brief description
Садржај чврсте материјеNonvolatile components in the paint as a percentage of the total weight
вискозитетThe viscosity of the coating has an important impact on the coating effect and construction performance
Расподела величине честицаSize distribution of particles in a flexible emulsion
пХ вредностThe pH of the flexible emulsion has an important influence on the stability and performance of the coating
Force of adhesionAdhesion between coating and substrate surface
издржљивостThe weather resistance, wear resistance and chemical resistance of the coating have an important impact on the service life and performance of the coating
elasticityThe elastic and deformable ability of coatings is of great significance for flexible materials and elastomers
Затезна чврстоћаThe maximum capacity of the coating under tensile force
Scratch resistanceThe ability of the coated surface to resist scratching and abrasion
Water resistanceWaterproof, moisture-proof and penetration-resistant properties of the coating

Која својства треба испитати за флексибилне емулзије? Које су методе детекције?

Метода детекције
The following is a brief description of the test methods for common performance parameters of flexible emulsions:

Садржај чврсте материје: The coating sample was dried to a constant weight at about 105 ° Ц, and the ratio of the mass of non-volatile substances to the total sample mass was calculated.

Вискозност: Use equipment such as rotational viscometer or dioptometer to measure the viscosity of the paint.

Расподела величине честица: Devices such as particle size analyzers are used to measure the size distribution of particles in flexible emulsions.

пХ вредност: Use PH meter and other equipment to measure the pH of the paint to evaluate the stability and performance of the paint.

Adhesion: Use tensile testing machine, shear testing machine and other equipment to measure the adhesion of the coating and the substrate surface.

Durability: evaluate the weather resistance, wear resistance and chemical resistance of the coating by simulating the exposure and wear tests in the actual use environment.

Elasticity: Use material testing machine and other equipment to measure the elasticity and deformation ability of the coating.

Која својства треба испитати за флексибилне емулзије? Које су методе детекције?

Затезна чврстоћа: Use equipment such as tensile testing machine to measure the maximum capacity of the coating under tensile force.

Scratch resistance: Use equipment such as a scratch resistance meter to simulate the scratch and wear in actual use, and evaluate the scratch resistance of the coating surface.

Water resistance: Use water immersion tester and other equipment to evaluate the waterproof, moisture-proof and permeability resistance of the coating.

Подсећамо вас: различити параметри перформанси могу захтевати различите методе испитивања и опрему, и можда постоје неки индустријски стандарди и спецификације, for flexible emulsion performance testing, but also should be selected according to the actual needs of the corresponding test methods and standards. Истовремено, the test conditions and standardized operations need to be strictly controlled during the experiment to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the test.

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