LR-F009 ตู้จับคู่สี

Color matching cabinet is an equipment designed for the visual evaluation of shade and color differences under standardized and controlled lighting conditions. Multiple light sources provide an essential tool for visual color assessment, comparison of color variation, and detection of metamerism (when color samples appear to match under one lighting condition but distinctly change when viewed under a different lighting condition).


การใช้งาน:Color matching cabinet is an equipment designed for the visual evaluation of shade and color differences under standardized and controlled lighting conditions. Multiple light sources provide an essential tool for visual color assessment, comparison of color variation, and detection of metamerism (when color samples appear to match under one lighting condition but distinctly change when viewed under a different lighting condition).



Light sourcesD65, F/A,CWF, TL84,UV,U30
ตัวจับเวลา6 sets timer for accumulating time to each light sources

พลังAC110V/220V 50~60HZ


