Kültürel kağıt performans testi

Kültürel kağıt, kitap basmak için kullanılan özel amaçlı bir kağıttır, dergiler, gazeteler ve diğer kültürel yayınlar, as well as making art, resim albümleri, greeting cards and so on. Compared with ordinary paper, cultural paper requires higher smoothness, whiteness, parlak, kalınlık, strength and stability.

Kültürel kağıt performans testi

The detection of cultural paper mainly includes the following aspects:

Smoothness: The surface of the cultural paper should be very smooth to ensure clarity and detail of the text and images. Pürüzsüzlük testi, kağıt yüzeyinin düzgünlüğü ölçülerek yapılabilir., tüy yüksekliği ve plaka tacı ve diğer göstergeler.

Whiteness: The whiteness of cultural paper needs to meet certain standards to ensure the color restoration and contrast of printed words and images. The detection of whiteness can be carried out by measuring the color and color difference of the light reflected by the paper.

Parlaklık: Cultural paper needs a certain glossiness to enhance the visual effect of the print. Parlaklığın tespiti kağıt yüzeyinin yansıtıcılığının ölçülmesiyle yapılabilir..

Kalınlık ve yoğunluk: Cultural paper needs to have a certain thickness and density to ensure the stability and durability of the paper. The thickness and density can be measured by measuring the thickness and density of the paper.

Kuvvet: Cultural paper needs to be strong enough to withstand the tension and pressure of the printing process. Mukavemet testi, çekme mukavemeti ölçülerek yapılabilir., Kağıdın yırtılma mukavemeti ve sıkıştırma mukavemeti.

Oxidation: Cultural paper needs to have a certain durability, not easy to yellow, aging, decay, vesaire. The oxidation test can be carried out by measuring the pH value, pH and peroxide index of paper.

Kültürel kağıt performans testi

Printing performance: Cultural paper needs to have certain printing performance to ensure the printing quality of printed matter. The detection of printing performance can be carried out by measuring the paper’s water absorption, oil absorption, printing clarity, color reduction and resistance to printing pollution.

Çevresel koruma: cultural paper needs to meet environmental standards, zararlı madde içermez, çevreye kirlilik yok. Çevre koruma, uçucu organik bileşiklerin ölçülmesiyle test edilebilir, ağır metaller, klorür iyonları, floresan parlatıcılar ve diğer göstergeler.

The above performance indicators are the key contents of cultural paper testing. Farklı kullanım gereksinimleri ve standartları aynı zamanda kağıdın test standartlarını ve yöntemlerini de etkileyecektir..

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