Ultrasonik dispersiyon makinesinin frekansı nasıl ayarlanır?

Ultrasonik dağıtıcının frekansı genellikle cihaz üzerindeki bir kontrol paneli veya regülatör tarafından ayarlanır.. The specific adjustment method may vary with different ultrasonic dispersion model number. The following is the general adjustment method:

Ensure that the ultrasonic dispersion machine is properly connected and in working condition.

Open the control panel or regulator on the device.

Look for the control button or knob for frequency adjustment. Genellikle, they’re labeled “Sıklık” veya “Freq”.

Ultrasonik dispersiyon makinesinin frekansı nasıl ayarlanır?

Adjust the frequency control button or knob to gradually increase or decrease the frequency. The specific adjustment mode may be rotating, pressing or toggle, depending on the design of the equipment.

Observe the working state of ultrasonic dispersing machine, including sound, vibration and effect. Fine-tune as needed until desired dispersion is achieved.

After adjusting the frequency, adjust other parameters, such as power and time, as required.

Please note that the specific frequency adjustment method may vary depending on the ultrasonic dispersion machine, so it is recommended to refer to the relevant operating manual or consult the equipment manufacturer for accurate adjustment guidance and suggestions.

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