ASTM D 5895-2020 “Evaluation of Drying or Coalescence of Organic Coatings during Film Formation by Mechanical Recorder

Сенс і мета
5.1 The drying time of the coating is important to determine when it is possible to re-use a newly painted room, floor or staircase or to dispose of or package coated items. Slow drying may lead to dirt contamination or, on the exterior surface, вологість може спричинити нерівний вигляд.

5.2 These test methods are used to determine the various stages of drying or curing during dry film formation of organic coatings using mechanical equipment to compare coating types or compositional changes, або обидва. To quantitatively assess the drying phase, the use of instruments under environmentally controlled conditions is highly recommended. These devices also provide a way to determine the drying characteristics of the coating that cannot be determined within a standard 8-hour working day.

5.3 When evaluating the drying characteristics of the baking system, the cyclic drying time equipment provides a method to determine the quantitative drying time of the coating at room temperature and high temperature conditions. The maximum temperature will be limited by factors such as the effect of temperature on motor lubrication or structural components of the equipment.

5.4 Linear drying time equipment provides a means of using a recorder to determine the quantitative drying time of simultaneously tested coatings.

5.5 This method can be used to compare the behavior of coatings during drying of the same general type. The actual drying time should be determined in accordance with the procedures outlined in Test Method D1640 or ISO 9117-3.

ASTM D 5895-2020 “Evaluation of Drying or Coalescence of Organic Coatings during Film Formation by Mechanical Recorder

Сфера застосування
1.1 These test methods describe the determination of several stages and dry film formation rates of organic coatings using linear and circular mechanical drying time recording devices. The use of a mechanical recorder is valuable for comparing the drying behavior of the same generic type of coating, allowing one coating to form gel or resist tearing at a faster rate than another.

1.2 Drying times measured using mechanical recorders may differ from those using conventional methods such as test method D1640 or ISO 9117-3 (formerly known as ISO 1517).

1.3 The values specified in SI shall be regarded as standards. Значення, наведені в дужках, наведено лише для довідки.

1.4 Цей стандарт не призначений для вирішення всіх питань безпеки, якщо хто-небудь, пов'язані з його використанням. Відповідальність за встановлення належної безпеки несе користувач цього стандарту, здоров’я та навколишнього середовища, а також для визначення застосовності нормативних обмежень перед використанням.

1.5 Цей міжнародний стандарт розроблено відповідно до міжнародно визнаних принципів стандартизації, встановлених у Рішенні про принципи розробки міжнародних стандартів., Настанови та рекомендації, видані Комітетом з технічних бар’єрів у торгівлі Світової організації торгівлі.

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