Загальні проблеми та методи калібрування високотемпературної коробки

Високотемпературна і низькотемпературна камера є свого роду обладнанням для випробування міцності, яке використовується для моделювання матеріалів, електроніка, хімічний, харчування, medicine and other products under high and low temperature environment. Here are some common problems you may encounter and calibration methods:

The temperature reading is inaccurate.

The temperature is unstable.

The device is not evenly heated or cooled.

The device is leaking or the tank capacity is insufficient.

An error occurred in program operation.

Calibration method
Temperature calibration: Place the thermometer in the high and low temperature box and set the high and low temperature box to a known temperature. After waiting for some time, compare the thermometer reading with the temperature reading displayed in the high and low temperature chamber. If there is a difference, a calibration adjustment is required. Calibration can be done by adjusting the temperature calibration parameters in the controller.

Equipment uniformity calibration: place several thermometers inside the high and low temperature chamber and set the high and low temperature chamber to a known temperature. After waiting for a period of time, compare the readings at each measurement point to see if they are consistent. If there is a difference, a uniformity calibration adjustment is required. It can be achieved by adjusting the working mode and position of heating, cooling and fans, as well as adjusting the position of items inside the high and low temperature box.

Equipment tank capacity calibration: Fill the tank in the high and low temperature box with water, and record the water capacity. Then set the high and low temperature box to a certain temperature, measure for a period of time, а потім вилийте резервуар і запишіть об’єм води, що залишився. Subtract the remaining water capacity from the previously recorded water capacity to get the amount of water used by the high and low temperature tank at that temperature. Якщо кількість використаної води не відповідає місткості, зазначеній у специфікації, необхідне калібрування ємності резервуара. It can be calibrated by adjusting the tank capacity parameters in the controller.

Нагадуємо: the high and low temperature box needs to be calibrated and maintained regularly. В той самий час, необхідно регулярно очищати внутрішню частину обладнання, перевірити працездатність і стан опалення, охолодження, КОНТРОЛЬ, sensors and other equipment, а також своєчасно замінювати або ремонтувати несправні деталі. В додаток, рекомендується проводити технічне обслуговування пристрою відповідно до інструкції з експлуатації та інструкцій з обслуговування, наданих виробником, щоб забезпечити тривалу стабільну роботу пристрою.

Загальні проблеми та методи калібрування високотемпературної коробки

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Питання, що потребують уваги
In the process of using a high and low temperature box, the following points need to be noted:

Arrange the position of the sample to ensure that the sample can receive uniform temperature distribution.

2. Do not accumulate too much debris or samples inside the high and low temperature box to avoid affecting the operation of the equipment and the accuracy of the data.

According to the actual needs, the temperature range and accuracy of the high and low temperature chamber are reasonably selected to avoid inaccurate test data due to equipment parameter mismatch.

Prior to testing, pre-heat or pre-cool the equipment to ensure that the required temperature conditions can be achieved.

In the process of using the equipment, temperature changes and test data are recorded in time, and analyzed and processed according to needs.

Коротко, the high and low temperature box is a commonly used test equipment, but it is necessary to pay attention to the use and maintenance of the equipment during use to ensure the stability of the equipment and the accuracy of the test data.

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