Що ви знаєте про тестування ефективності пасти для фарби??

Кольорова паста для фарби – це висококонцентрована формула покриття, складається з пігментів, наповнювачі, диспергатори, розчинники та інші компоненти, which can be mixed and deployed with the base coating in proportion to achieve the desired color and effect. Paint color paste is widely used in construction, меблі, автомобільний, electrical appliances and other fields, providing more color selection and customized services, as well as the advantages of cost saving and efficiency. The quality and stability of paint color paste have an important impact on color accuracy and coating quality, so it is necessary to carry out quality inspection and control.

The paint color paste needs to test the following properties:

PerformanceItem of inspection
Difference of colorThe color difference between the paint color paste and the standard color sample
Stability of colorColor stability of paint paste, наприклад зміна кольору, stratification, precipitation, тощо
LiquidityThe flow performance of paint color paste, such as drying time, вирівнювання, тощо
Ступінь в'язкостіThe viscosity of paint paste
StabilityThe stability of paint paste, such as suspension, precipitation, тощо
ІншийSuch as paint paste resistance to precipitation, hiding power, тощо

Спосіб виявлення:

Різниця кольорів: use color difference meter, optical wavelength meter and other equipment to test the color difference between the paint paste and the standard color sample.

Color stability: through artificial aging test, constant temperature and humidity test and other methods to test the color stability of paint paste.

Що ви знаєте про тестування ефективності пасти для фарби??

Fluidity: using reverse flow cup method, diffusion cup method and other methods to test the flow performance of paint paste.

В'язкість: Use viscometer, rheometer and other equipment to test the viscosity of paint paste.

Stability: through centrifugal test, settlement test and other methods to test the stability of paint paste.

Що ви знаєте про тестування ефективності пасти для фарби??

інші: according to the specific type of paint color paste and testing items, select the appropriate test method and equipment for testing, such as testing the anti-precipitation of paint color paste, hiding power, тощо.

The results of these test items can help evaluate the quality and applicability of paint colorants and how well they will perform in practical applications. Test methods and equipment are different according to the specific type of paint paste and test items. The performance test of paint color paste should be carried out in accordance with relevant standards and methods to ensure the accuracy and comparability of test results.

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