
RXG-330 Ultra-high sensitivity Large part helium mass spectrometer leak detector Air tight leak detector
Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector introduction

1. Integrated chassis design. Overall aesthetic coordination.

2, easy to move, mute casters. More suitable for leak detection of large equipment

3, large pumping speed, can adapt to the larger workpiece leak detection.

4. Ultra-high sensitivity. It can adapt to various leak detection conditions.

5. Long life ion source filament. Save frequent maintenance of the ion source.

6. The core components are provided with extra long warranty.

RXG-330 Ultra-high sensitivity Large part helium mass spectrometer leak detector Air tight leak detector
Два, the main technical indicators

the minimum detectable leakage rate5×10-12a•m3leakage rate display range1×10-3— 1×10-12Pa•m3
Startup time≤3 minResponse time≤1.0s
Maximum pressure of leak detection port2000Palimit vacuum5×10-4 PA
power requirements220В, 50Гц, однофазні, 10АРобоче середовище5-35ºC
Relative humidity≤80%overall size700 (В) ×400 (Д) ×880 (Х)


RXG-330 Ultra-high sensitivity Large part helium mass spectrometer leak detector Air tight leak detector
Three, основна конфігурація

1, imported molecular pump

2, imported mechanical pump

3. Standard leakage hole

4. Американський підсилювач AD

5. Спеціальний модуль мас-спектру Діттіта

RXG-330 Ultra-high sensitivity Large part helium mass spectrometer leak detector Air tight leak detector
Перший, product introduction

1. Integrated chassis design. Overall aesthetic coordination.

2, easy to move, mute casters. More suitable for leak detection of large equipment

3, large pumping speed, can adapt to the larger workpiece leak detection.

4. Ultra-high sensitivity. It can adapt to various leak detection conditions.

5. Long life ion source filament. Save frequent maintenance of the ion source.

6. The core components are provided with extra long warranty.

RXG-330 Ultra-high sensitivity Large part helium mass spectrometer leak detector Air tight leak detector
Два, the main technical indicators

the minimum detectable leakage rate5×10-12a•m3leakage rate display range1×10-3— 1×10-12Pa•m3
Startup time≤3 minResponse time≤1.0s
Maximum pressure of leak detection port2000Palimit vacuum5×10-4 PA
power requirements220В, 50Гц, однофазні, 10АРобоче середовище5-35ºC
Relative humidity≤80%overall size700 (В) ×400 (Д) ×880 (Х)


RXG-330 Ultra-high sensitivity Large part helium mass spectrometer leak detector Air tight leak detector
Three, основна конфігурація

1, imported molecular pump

2, imported mechanical pump

3. Standard leakage hole

4. Американський підсилювач AD

5. Спеціальний модуль мас-спектру Діттіта
 Течешукач гелієвого мас-спектрометра

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