ASTM D5375/D5375M-2019 从压敏标签纸上高速去除衬纸的标准测试方法

5.1 这些测试方法是开发和质量保证的工具. Given a specific pressure-sensitive label and liner and a minimum requirement for the maximum stripping value required to remove this liner from the label, test data can be used in conjunction with acceptance criteria.

ASTM D5375/D5375M-2019 从压敏标签纸上高速去除衬纸的标准测试方法

步 1: 范围
1.1 These test methods cover the measurement of the adhesion of the stripping pad to the pressure sensitive adhesive label.

1.2 These test methods provide a way to evaluate the adhesion uniformity of a given type of pressure-sensitive label to the liner. Evaluation can be between sheets or rolls, between sheets or rolls, or between production batches.

1.3 Changes in weight of label backing, liner, liner stripping coating, adhesive and adhesive coating affect response. 所以, these methods cannot be used to identify the specific causes of non-uniformity.

1.4 These test methods may not apply to labels that have a relatively stiff backing or stiffer lining, or that exhibit high stretchability at low forces. These properties will result in a high degree of variability in the test response, but this is not a true indication of the true nature of the adhesive.

1.5 Values expressed in SI or inch-pound units should be treated as standards separately. 每个系统中指定的值可能不完全相同; 所以, 每个系统都需要独立使用,并且这些值不能以任何方式组合.

1.6 本标准并非旨在解决与其使用相关的所有安全问题. 本标准的使用者有责任建立适当的安全机制, 健康和环境规范,并在使用前确定监管限制的适用性.

1.7 本国际标准基于《关于制定国际标准的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认的标准化原则, 世贸组织发布的技术性贸易壁垒指南和建议 (技术性贸易壁垒) 委员会.

ASTM D5375/D5375M-2019 从压敏标签纸上高速去除衬纸的标准测试方法

2. 参考文件

D996 包装和分销环境条款

D3715 / D3715M压敏胶带质量保证实践

D4332 调节容器的实践, 用于测试的包装或包装组件

E122 计算样本大小以估计具有指定精度的批次或过程特征的平均值的实践
