ASTM D5588-1997 测定涂料中微生物状况的标准测试方法, 涂料原料, 及厂区


3.1 容器中油漆的腐败通常与使用受污染的原材料有关, 水 (especially recycled washing water), containers, pipes and equipment in manufacturing plants. A simple method is needed to determine the presence or absence of microorganisms in plants that make paints and coatings. Such determination allows manufacturers to identify contamination points (IE。, raw materials or problem management areas in the plant) to help address corruption.

笔记 1: Some contamination of plant areas is expected, as microorganisms are ubiquitous and in practice usually cannot be eliminated (this is what the preservatives in the tank should control). Excessive contamination or contamination of raw materials may exceed the capacity of the preservative. If your plant has excessive contamination, there are disinfection methods including steam, preservatives, bleach, ETC. These should be discussed with your fungicide supplier and used with care. Recycling spoiled or contaminated products is often not feasible, so the importance of proper fungicide levels combined with good plant management practices is self-evident. Your biocide supplier can also help here.

3.2 This test method can be used by people without basic microbiological training, but some training in aseptic techniques is recommended.

笔记 2: The reliability of the results obtained from this test method depends greatly on the technique used. Incorrect techniques can result in sterile samples being contaminated, or worse, contaminated samples appearing sterile (看 5.1). It is recommended that you consult your biocide supplier, raw material supplier or independent testing laboratory to confirm suspicious results.

ASTM D5588-1997 测定涂料中微生物状况的标准测试方法, 涂料原料, 及厂区

步 1: 范围

1.1 This test method includes procedures for determining the microbial status (contaminated or sterile) of raw materials used in paint production and the microbial status of paint and paint manufacturing areas.

1.2 以 SI 单位表示的值应被视为标准值. 括号内的数值仅供参考.

1.3 本标准并非旨在解决所有安全问题, 如果有的话, 与其使用相关. 本标准的使用者有责任建立适当的安全和健康实践,并在使用前确定监管限制的适用性.

1.4 该国际标准基于国际公认的标准化原则 “关于国际标准制定原则的决定, 指南和建议” 由技术性贸易壁垒委员会发布 (技术性贸易壁垒) 世界贸易组织.
