这 8 色牢度仪的特点

特征: 1. 1000 连续运行小时数 *; 2. 条件参数自由组合, 24 光强度调节, to meet different standards; 3. Large flat touch (电影) panel, high-definition digital display, 易于操作; 4. Timely control of sample frame revolution/rotation, and set the point function to fully ensure fast operation; 这 8 色牢度仪的特点 5. Built-in self-circulation system and air filtration system, greatly reducing environmental quality requirements; 6. Deceleration motor, 塑料, steel gear, streamline split rotation, to ensure reliable and stable...


耐磨测试仪包括金属, 画, 板面, 涂层材料, 纺织品, 皮革, 橡胶等耐磨性. Application range: luggage, carpet, 纸板, 衣服, 玻璃, plastic coating, ceramic tile, metal coating, 画, 漆, decorative sheet, high pressure sheet, 塑料, 纺织品, elastic floor mat, traffic paint, anodized layer, blankets, 电子元器件, decorative board, wax, 标签, leather cases, 牙科材料, automotive interior decoration, resin, 家具, ETC. 磨损试验机的使用条件有哪些? Conditions of use: 1, there is no strong...


数字万用表是测量电流的常用工具, 电压和电阻. We will often use it in maintenance, but for beginners, the use of digital multimeter is not very understanding, the following introduces the two use methods of digital multimeter The use of digital multimeter method 1: Determine whether the line or device is charged The AC voltage file of the digital multimeter is very sensitive, even if there is a small induction voltage around it can be displayed,...


数字万用表, 多功能电子测量仪器, 一般含有电流表, 电压表, 欧姆表等功能, sometimes also known as multimeter, multi-meter, multi-meter, or three-purpose meter.Functions and features: 40,000/4,000 count resolution is available Multifunctional digital dual display, 20-segment bar analog display 0.06% basic DC voltage accuracy 40mV to 1,000V DC voltage range, resolution up to 1μV Share the function of digital multimeter 40mV to 750V DC voltage range, resolution up to 1μV 400μA to 10A DC current, AC current range, resolution up to 10nA Ac voltage, AC current...


紫外老化试验箱可以模拟阳光造成的危害, 雨和露. BR-UV耐候室采用荧光紫外灯模拟阳光照射的效果, 并凝结水分以模拟露水. 被测材料在一定温度下,在光和湿交替的循环中进行测试. 在几天或几周内, BR-UV 可以重现户外数月或数年发生的危害. 危险类型包括: 衰退, 变色, loss of...


荷载位移曲线仪是一种测试设备, 用于测量弹性, 可塑性, 材料的断裂及其他性能参数. 该装置可显示材料在弯曲作用下的反应变化, 拉伸, 压缩载荷和其他载荷, 并评估材料的性能. 荷载位移曲线仪由五部分组成, 包括负载传感器, 位移传感器, 控制系统, 数据采集​​系统和测试夹具. The load sensor and the displacement sensor are used...


罗斯勒振动磨损试验机是一种常用来测试材料或产品耐磨性能的实验设备. 通过模拟材料在振动环境下受力,定量分析材料的耐磨性. 本文将从以下几个方面介绍振动磨损试验机的使用. 1. 设备准备 1. 首先, it is necessary to confirm whether the power and air supply of the testing machine are properly...


海绵压缩疲劳试验机是一种用于测试材料在重复载荷作用下耐久性的实验设备. 该设备广泛应用于建筑材料研究和质量控制, 汽车, 机械, 电子及其他领域. 在本文中, 海绵材料的特点, 海绵压缩疲劳试验机原理及结构, 介绍实验方法和数据处理. Sponge compression fatigue testing machine experiment overview First, the characteristics of sponge materials Sponge material is a kind...