
可编程恒温恒湿试验箱是一种高精度恒温恒湿试验设备, 常用于材料领域的实验室和生产线, 电子产品, 化学, 食物, 医药等. 以下是您可能遇到的一些常见问题和校准方法:






温度校准: 将温度计放入测试室并将测试室设置为已知温度. 等待一段时间后, 将温度计读数与测试室中显示的温度读数进行比较. 如果有差异, 需要校准调整. Calibration can be done through program Settings or by adjusting the sensor circuit.


湿度校准: 使用湿度校准器将其放置在测试室中并将测试室设置为已知湿度. 等待一段时间后, 将湿度校准器读数与测试室中显示的湿度读数进行比较. 如果有差异, 需要校准调整. Calibration can be done through program Settings or by adjusting the sensor circuit.

设备均匀度校准: 将多个温度计或湿度计放置在测试室内,并将测试室设置为已知的温度或湿度. 等待一段时间后, 比较各测量点的读数是否一致. 如果有差异, 需要进行均匀性校准调整. Calibration can be done through program Settings or by adjusting the sensor position.

设备罐容量标定: 将试验箱内的水箱注满水并记录水容量. 然后将试验室设置到一定的湿度, 测量一段时间, 然后倒掉水箱并记录剩余水容量. 用之前记录的水容量减去剩余水容量,即可得到该湿度下试验室的用水量. 如果用水量与规格中的容量不符, 需要进行水箱容量校准调整. It can be calibrated through program Settings or by adjusting the tank capacity.


我们提醒您: the programmable constant temperature and humidity test chamber needs to be calibrated and maintained regularly, and the program needs to be updated and maintained. Program error is one of the common problems. It is necessary to maintain the program in time to ensure the correctness and stability of the program. 此外, it is recommended to follow the equipment’s operating manual and

Maintenance guidance provided by the manufacturer to carry out maintenance, regularly clean the inside of the equipment, check the performance and condition of heating, 冷却, 控制, 传感器和其他设备, timely replacement or repair of faulty parts. 此外, you are advised to power off the device before maintenance and wait until the device cools down to ensure safety.

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In the process of using the programmable constant temperature and humidity test chamber, 还应注意以下几点:

合理安排样品摆放, 确保样品能受到均匀的温湿度分布.



根据实际需要, 应合理选择试验箱的温湿度范围和精度,避免因设备参数不匹配而导致试验数据不准确.

测试前, 预热或预冷,确保设备满足所需的温湿度条件.

设备使用过程中, 及时记录温湿度变化及测试数据, 并按要求进行分析处理.

简而言之, the constant temperature and humidity test chamber and the programmable constant temperature and humidity test chamber play an important role in the laboratory and production line, 但同时, attention needs to be paid to the use and maintenance of the equipment to ensure the stability of the equipment and the accuracy of the test data.
