灵活性: 测量薄膜的综合性能

柔韧性是薄膜在外力作用下的综合表现, 包括弹性, 可塑性, adhesion and other factors. This performance index reflects the adaptability and durability of the film in actual use. 在本文中, we will explore the concept of flexibility, 测试方法, and its application in the coatings industry.

The definition of flexibility
Flexibility is the performance of the film when subjected to external forces, which can usually be divided into the following aspects:


Whether the film can return to its original state under the action of external forces, 那是, whether it is elastic. This includes the tensile and compressive properties of the film.


Whether the film will be permanently deformed under the action of external forces, 那是, whether it has plasticity. The flexibility test also includes the plastic behavior of the film.

灵活性: 测量薄膜的综合性能


Whether the film can be firmly attached to the substrate, 那是, the adhesion force. 在柔韧性测试中还研究了薄膜与基材之间的界面.


用于评估薄膜抗快速变形能力的柔韧性度量. 抗冲击性通常与薄膜的柔韧性有关.


薄膜在后续加工过程中是否能够保持其柔韧性和性能, 例如卷材涂料行业和罐头行业的应用.

灵活性: 测量薄膜的综合性能

柔韧性的测定方法通常是通过弯曲薄膜模板来进行. 这些测试方法包括将薄膜与基材一起弯曲,然后观察薄膜是否破裂或拉伸. 这些测试方法的选择取决于薄膜的类型, 应用和测试标准. 每种方法都有自己的适用范围和优点. 以下是一些常用的柔韧性测试仪器和方法:


使用不同直径的钢轴杆, 将涂好的模板在轴杆上弯曲,观察弯曲是否造成漆膜损坏. 最小棒直径表明薄膜的柔韧性.


使用圆柱轴进行薄膜的弯曲测试. 此方法适用于较薄的测试板, 通过观察漆膜是否破裂或剥落来评定柔韧性.


用锥体弯曲涂层模板,观察导致薄膜破裂的最小直径. This instrument is suitable for the whole plate test and eliminates the influence of human body on the temperature rise of the test plate.

灵活性: 测量薄膜的综合性能

Cup testing machine

By pushing the ball punch to the back of the painted test board, observe whether it causes cracking or peeling of the paint film. 最小渗透深度表明薄膜的柔韧性.


For coil coatings, the template is folded in half to observe whether it is cracking, 然后进行持续测试, 通常标记为0T, 1时间, 2时间, ETC。, 表示涂膜的柔韧性.

灵活性: 测量薄膜的综合性能

Application of flexibility
Flexibility testing has a wide range of applications in the coatings industry:

质量控制: 制造商可以利用柔韧性测试来确保其涂料产品在实际使用中具有所需的耐久性和适应性.

油漆选择: 制造商可以根据柔韧性测试结果选择适合不同应用的涂料类型和配方.

成型后评估: Flexibility testing can also be used to assess the performance of the film during subsequent processing, 例如在辊涂和成型行业的应用.

发展与改进: By understanding flexibility, manufacturers can better develop and improve coating formulations to meet different performance requirements.

简而言之, flexibility is one of the important properties of the coating film, 直接影响涂料产品的质量和可用性. 具有灵活性测试, 制造商可以确保其产品在各种应用中表现良好并满足客户的需求. 灵活性测试方法的选择应根据具体情况和标准要求而定,以保证测试结果的准确性和可比性.
