国际标准化组织 16701-2015 金属和合金的腐蚀人造气氛中的加速腐蚀测试,涉及暴露于水分循环的受控条件和盐溶液的间歇喷雾

国际标准化组织 (国际标准化组织) 是国家标准机构的全球联盟 (ISO成员机构). 国际标准的制定通常通过ISO技术委员会进行. 每个对已成立技术委员会的主题感兴趣的成员机构都有权在该委员会中派代表参加. 与 ISO 联络的国际政府和非政府组织也参与了这项工作. ISO 与国际电工委员会密切合作 (国际电工委员会) 关于电气标准化的所有问题.

用于开发本文件的程序以及用于进一步维护的程序在第 1 部分中进行了描述。 1 ISO/IEC 指令的. 尤其, 应注意不同类型ISO文件所需的不同批准标准. 本文件根据 ISO/IEC 指令部分的编辑规则起草 2 (请参阅 iso.org/directives).

请注意,本文档的某些元素可能受专利权保护. ISO 不负责识别任何或所有此类专利. 在文件准备过程中确定的任何专利权的详细信息将在 ISO 收到的专利声明的简介和/或列表中找到 (参见 iso.org/patents).


与合格评定相关的特定 ISO 术语和表达的含义的描述, 以及有关 ISO 遵守 WTO 技术性贸易壁垒原则的信息 (技术性贸易壁垒), 请参阅以下网址: 前言 – 补充资料

负责本文件的委员会是 ISO/TC 156, 金属和合金的腐蚀.

第二版取消并取代第一版 (国际标准化组织 16701:2003), which was a minor revision.

国际标准化组织 16701-2015 金属和合金的腐蚀人造气氛中的加速腐蚀测试,涉及暴露于水分循环的受控条件和盐溶液的间歇喷雾

Atmospheric corrosion of metal materials, with or without corrosion protection, is affected by a number of environmental factors, the importance of which may vary depending on the type of metal material and the type of environment. 所以, when designing laboratory corrosion tests, it is impossible to take into account the full complexity of actual conditions of use. Such an acceleration (forced condition) can also negatively affect the correlation of magnetic field properties. 然而, tests with a humidity cycle and only intermittent exposure to salt solutions generally have a better correlation with field performance than tests using continuous salt spray.

This international standard was developed in the automotive environment, where the main factor of corrosion is the use of winter deicing road salt in cool/cold temperate regions around the world, where it functions as a sodium chloride compound under cyclic humidity conditions. This test procedure is moderately affected by humidity and salinity and is designed to be suitable for quality assurance of metal and corrosion protection commonly encountered in motor vehicles. The method may also be relevant in other applications, providing similar climatic conditions that represent the effects of sodium chloride compounds.

1 范围
This standard specifies test methods, reagents and procedures to be used in accelerated atmospheric corrosion tests, including conditions of exposure to a slightly acidified solution of 1% NaCl for 6 hours twice a week followed by a controlled humidity cycle between 95% RH and 50% RH at a constant temperature of 35 ℃.

This international standard does not specify the size of the sample, the exposure period for a particular product or the interpretation of the results. Such details are provided in the corresponding product specifications.

Accelerated laboratory corrosion tests are available

– 金属及其合金,

Metal coating (anode or cathode),

Chemical conversion coatings, 还有

Organic coating on metal materials.

笔记 1 There is a risk of exaggerated pitting if low-alloy stainless steels, especially austenitic grades, are tested according to this international standard, which is not applicable in most service environments.

国际标准化组织 16701-2015 金属和合金的腐蚀人造气氛中的加速腐蚀测试,涉及暴露于水分循环的受控条件和盐溶液的间歇喷雾

笔记 2 This standard does not apply to the testing of waxes and oil-based rust inhibitors due to increasing temperature conditions.

2 规范性引用文件
本文件规范性引用了下列文件中的全部或部分内容,并作为其应用所必需的. 对于注明日期的参考文献, 仅引用的版本适用. 对于未注明日期的参考文献, 新版本的参考 (包括任何修订) 适用.

国际标准化组织 4628-1, 油漆和清漆 – 涂层降解评估 – 缺陷的数量和尺寸以及外观均匀变化强度的指定 – 部分 1: 系统总体介绍和名称

国际标准化组织 4628-2, 油漆和清漆 – 涂层降解评估 – 指定缺陷的数量和大小, 和外观均匀变化的强度 – 部分 2: 发泡程度的评估

国际标准化组织 16701-2015 金属和合金的腐蚀人造气氛中的加速腐蚀测试,涉及暴露于水分循环的受控条件和盐溶液的间歇喷雾

国际标准化组织 4628-4, 油漆和清漆 – 涂层降解评估 – 指定缺陷的数量和大小, 和外观均匀变化的强度 – 部分 4: Assessment of degree of cracking

国际标准化组织 4628-5, 油漆和清漆 – 涂层降解评估 – Number and size of defects and designation of intensity of uniform change in appearance – 部分 5: Assessment of degree of peeling

国际标准化组织 8407, 金属和合金的腐蚀 – Removal of corrosion products from corrosion samples

国际标准化组织 10289, Corrosion test methods for metallic and other inorganic coatings on metallic substrates – 腐蚀测试样品和成品的评级

仅标准信息部分是公开的. 查看完整内容, 需要通过官方渠道购买标准.
