
工业地坪涂料是指用于工业厂房地面的涂料, 物流仓储, 停车场, 体育场馆等场所. 具有耐磨的特点, 耐腐蚀性能, 防尘性, 和防滑. 其应用领域广泛, 比如制药厂, 电子厂, 汽车厂, 食品厂, 机械厂, 仓库, 物流中心, 飞机场, 医院, 学校等.




1. 准备测试板和测试涂层

2. 将测试板固定在测试台上

3. 用测试划痕切割网格图案

4. 将网格粘在图案的狭缝处

5. 将胶水涂在涂层表面

6. 用测试刷在胶水上涂抹油漆

7. 等待固化和剥离


1. 准备测试样品

2. 用规定质量的圆钢球压在样品表面

3. 测量压印直径

4. Calculate the hardness value according to the formula

耐化学性Chemical solutions and test tubes1. 准备测试样品

2. Prepare different chemical solutions

3. Soak the sample in the chemical solution

4. Observe the changes of the coating surface


1. Prepare test samples and wear testing machine

2. Fix the sample on the test machine

3. Load a certain quality of grinding wheel and mortar

4. Run the testing machine for a certain time

5. Check the wear of the coating surface

耐水性Water immersion tester

1. 准备测试样品

2. Apply a coating of the specified thickness to the surface of the sample

3. Soak the sample in the water immersion tester for a certain time

4. Take out the sample and observe the changes of the coating surface

Salt spray resistance盐雾试验箱

1. 准备测试样品

2. Apply a coating of the specified thickness to the surface of the sample

3. Expose the sample in the salt spray test chamber for a certain time

4. Take out the sample and observe the changes of the coating surface


1. 准备测试样品

2. Apply a coating of the specified thickness to the surface of the sample

3. 将样品放入热循环箱中进行循环加热
