
AA-1800S/H/E 火焰石墨原子吸收光谱仪测试仪


AA-1800S single graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer with lamp holder

AA-1800H six lamp holder flame graphite furnace integrated atomic absorption spectrometer

AA-1800E eight lamp holder flame graphite furnace integrated atomic absorption spectrometer

AA-1800S/H/E Flame graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer

AA-1800原子吸收光谱仪由行业专家与国内知名大学联合研发. 拥有数十年光谱仪器研发及应用经验. The products include flame, graphite furnace and hydride generation system, can be configured with a variety of accessories, 灵活的配置方案,满足不同层次客户的需求. 全自动多功能AA-1800原子吸收光谱仪可进行复杂样品分析, 并可自动切换多种分析方法, 从而实现无人自动分析.

AA-1800原子吸收光谱仪广泛应用于科学研究, 质量检验, 疾病控制, 环境保护, 冶金, 农业和林业, 化工及其他行业. 创新的软硬件设计确保准确性, 安全, 样品分析的易用性, 仪器维护简单方便.

AA-1800S/H/E Flame graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer


大面积光栅的色散率为 1800 线数/毫米, 一种新型自准直单色仪, 所有镜片均镀有石英涂层, 宽广的检测范围和光学稳定性确保了分析的准确性. The automatic 6 lamp holder is equipped with 6 independent lamp power supplies, which can be preheated respectively.


高分子材料防腐雾化室, 耐酸碱, 包括氢氟酸, 无论有机还是无机溶液都能获得更好的灵敏度和稳定性;


钛燃烧器, 可选 50mm 和 100mm 燃烧器, 风冷预混型, 耐腐蚀性能, 高抗盐性, 大大提高火焰效率和火焰分析的准确性;


可自动完成安全点火, 熄灭和切换, 结构可靠,故障率低, 从而保证了火焰法的灵敏度和重现性.
Light source system six lamp platform automatic switching, 可直接使用高性能空心阴极灯, 提高火焰分析的灵敏度, 自动调节电源参数和光束位置, automatic wavelength scanning and wave peak search;

Graphite furnace temperature control

Dual temperature control of inside and outside gas, 20 order linear or nonlinear temperature rise, to ensure that the element to be measured has a good sensitivity; The inner wall temperature of the graphite tube is monitored by longitudinal light control. The temperature can rise up to 3000℃/s.


AA-1800原子吸收光谱仪元素测试灵敏度达到行业先进水平, 灵敏度≤0.015μg/mL/1%; 基线漂移小于0.003Abs/30m,稳定性优于0.005Abs/4h.


Deuterium hollow cathode lamp and self-absorption buckled background are used for background correction, which eliminates the interference of molecular absorption in low content determination, reduces the emission noise of deuterium lamp, prolongs the service life and has good stability. When the background signal of deuterium lamp is 1A, the background deducting ability is more than 50 次.


智力非常强, 人性化设计, flame and graphite furnace atomizer automatic switching, graphite furnace atomizer automatic optimization, automatic setting and adjustment of flame height, 自动点火, 自动优化水平位置, 系统自动设定气体流量. 停电时, 误操作, 乙炔泄漏, ETC。, 系统将自动启动安全保护功能;

Automatic sampler

Integrated design with graphite furnace, using high precision syringe, the minimum sample can be 0.5μl, with intelligent online dilution and concentration function.
AA-1800S/H/E Flame graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer


高智能软件, 强大的, 友好的中文操作界面. 自动仪表和附加控制, 自动优化, 自动稀释; 鼠标操作, 自动设定菜单数据及校正方法;
测量数据可动态显示. 可自动拟合标准曲线.
准确的样品测量: 该向导用于设置示例, 方便快捷;
灵敏度校正功能: 让测量结果更加准确;



数据处理: 数据可以编辑和保存;

打印出: 单元素和多元素分析报告; 打印测量结果和仪器条件;
数据导出: 数据导出功能可与其他系统共享数据.


测量方法: 火焰法, graphite furnace method, 氢化物 – 原子吸收法
浓度计算方法: 标准曲线法 (1 〜 3 曲线), 自动装配, 标准添加法
重复测量次数: 1-99 次, 计算平均值, 给出标准差和相对标准差
结果打印: 参数打印, 数据打印, 图文印刷, 可以导出WORD, EXCEL文档
