

The instrument is used to measure the kinematic viscosity of petroleum products, color LCD, Chinese operation interface, touch keyboard
Wizard-style menu.
Using standard: GB/T265-88
nstrument features:
Thermostatic bath double-double cylinder insulation effect, temperature uniformity;
Thermostatic bath with a small cylinder, three-color light source is easy to observe;
Intelligent temperature control, automatic timing, with the temperature correction;
The Comprehensive Experimental results automatically calculated;
With intelligent clock display; (3 machines)
The printer is optional;
测量范围: -30 ℃~ 110 ℃
准确性: ± 0.1 ℃ (0.01 选修的)
Refrigeration tools: 400瓦
加热功率: 1800瓦
电源电压: 交流220V± 10%
频率: 50赫兹± 5%

使用环境: 环境温度 10 到 30 °C (相对湿度) 小于 80% 相对湿度

方面: 400毫米 * 500毫米 * 650毫米
重量: 22公斤
