
  1. ZY6181A AS1334 输送带火焰传播燃烧测试仪
  2. 适用范围

Suitable for determination of flammability and flame propagation characteristics of conveyor belts.

  1. ZY6181A AS1334 输送带火焰传播燃烧测试仪
  2. 符合标准:

Meet the requirements of AS1334.10 — 1994 standard for the Determination of Flammability and Flame Propagation characteristics of The Conveyor Belt

  1. ZY6181A AS1334 输送带火焰传播燃烧测试仪
  2. 主要特点:

3.1 Propane lamp is automatically controlled;

3.2 点火方式: Automatic high pressure ignition is adopted

3.3 Propane lamps can be adjusted;

3.4 PLC+触摸屏控制;

3.5 The whole device is easy and fast to operate.


  1. ZY6181A AS1334 输送带火焰传播燃烧测试仪
  2. 主要技术参数:

4.1 Maximum flame temperature: 1000℃

4.2 Equipped with temperature verification device

4.3 Temperature error: ±50℃;

4.4 气源: ≥95% propane gas;

3.5 燃烧正时: 0~99.99s/m arbitrary setting;

3.6 Timing of flame transmission: 0~99.99s/m;

4.7 Combustor: 1.5mm high-quality steel through electrostatic high-temperature baking paint;

4.8 The combustion chamber adopts anti-corrosion coating, and the coating is black;

4.9 Studio size: 50cm*50cm*50cm;

4.10 机器重量: 95公斤
