
1. 介绍

油漆的干燥过程是油漆施工中的重要环节, 而油漆的干燥时间与工期有直接关系, 涂膜质量及工程进度控制. 本文将介绍漆膜和腻子膜干燥时间的测定, 以及它的定义, 目的和意义.

2. 定义, 目的和意义

干燥是指油漆从液体涂层转变为固体涂层的过程. 涂料的干燥过程可分为三个阶段: 表面干燥, 实际干燥和完全干燥. 通常, 仅测量涂层的表面干燥时间和实际干燥时间. 表干时间是指液体涂层表面在规定的干燥条件下成膜的时间. The actual drying time refers to the time when the entire liquid coating layer becomes a solid coating under the specified drying conditions. Accurately measuring the drying time of the coating helps the construction unit to control the construction period, and is also an important means to ensure the quality of the coating film.



3. Introduction of key points of inspection methods

3.1 国标/T 1728 paint film, putty film drying time determination

3.1.1 材料和仪器

Drying time tester

Constant temperature and humidity equipment

Electric blast drying oven, ETC

3.1.2 操作要点

The surface drying time can be measured by blowing cotton ball method or finger-touching method. A method (blowing cotton ball method) is to gently blow the absorbent cotton ball on the surface of the paint film, if it can blow away and leave no cotton silk, 那是, the surface is considered dry. 方法B (finger touch method) is to touch the paint film surface with the finger, if it feels sticky but no paint sticks to the finger, it is considered that the surface is dry.

The actual drying time can be determined by pressing filter paper, pressing cotton ball, blade or thick layer drying method. A method (filter paper method) is to press the tester on the paint film, remove it after 30 秒, if the filter paper can fall freely, it is considered to be actually dry. 方法B (cotton ball method) is to press the tester on the paint film, remove it after 30 秒, no cotton ball traces and loss of light phenomenon, it is considered to be actually dry. C方法 (刀片法) 就是用刀片刮漆膜, 观察底部和薄膜, 如果没有粘连现象, 认为实际干燥. 鼎法 (厚层干燥法) 是将干燥后的试块从铝板盒中取出, 剪切处不应有粘液, 剪切面闭合然后拉开, 并且没有拉丝现象, 认为实际干燥.


3.1.3 结果表示与结果判断

记录表面干燥所需的最长时间, 通常在几小时或几分钟内. 按规定的干燥时间检查是否通过.

记录实际干燥所需的最长时间, 通常在几小时或几分钟内. 根据规定的工作时间判断是否通过.

4. 应用及意义

The drying time determination method of paint film and putty film is of great significance in paint construction and quality control:

Construction control: Knowing the drying time of the coating helps the construction unit to arrange a reasonable construction period and improve construction efficiency.

涂层质量: The drying time is directly related to the quality of the coating film, and controlling the appropriate drying time helps to avoid the problem of insufficient or excessive drying.

Product development: By measuring the drying time, coating manufacturers can optimize product formulation to ensure stable and consistent coating performance.


5. 结论

The drying time determination of paint film and putty film is an important link in paint construction and quality control. Through the appropriate operation method and equipment, the drying time information can be accurately obtained, so as to ensure the quality of coating construction, improve the construction efficiency, and ensure the coating film performance. This is of great significance for the production and application of coatings.
