
电子拉力机, 又称电子拉力试验机, 主要适用于塑料板材, 管道, 轮廓, 塑料薄膜和橡胶, 电线电缆, 防水卷材, 电线等材料的各种物理机械性能测试, 拉伸机用于金属材料和非金属材料的拉伸, 压缩, 弯曲, 剪切, 机械加固的剥离和其他力学性能测试. 作为仪器的重要组成部分, 不同的材料需要不同的夹具, 这也是测试能否顺利进行以及测试结果准确的重要因素.

Electronic tensile machine has a wide and accurate loading speed and force measurement range, the load, 形变, displacement measurement and control of high accuracy and sensitivity, the series of models using a single space structure, test space in the space below, mainly suitable for test load less than 500KG metal, non-metallic material test, with stress, strain, displacement control mode, The maximum force, 抗拉强度, 弯曲强度, 抗压强度, 弹性模量, 断裂伸长率, yield strength and other parameters can be calculated.
Widely used in wire and cable, 硬件, 电子电器, packaging and printing, 医用器材, 汽车零件, textile leather, clothing and footwear, rubber and plastic products, 学院和大学; Research laboratory; Commodity inspection arbitration, technical supervision departments and other industries, is the basic equipment for quality management, physical testing.
