
粘度和剪切速率之间存在密切关系, which is the rate at which a liquid deforms under shearing force.

Shear rate is a physical quantity describing the rate of liquid deformation, representing the deformation rate within a unit time. It is the ratio of Shear velocity to the geometric constraint under which the liquid is placed. Shear rate is usually expressed as the ratio of the displacement difference per unit time (剪切速度) 两个平行层之间的距离 (剪切距离). The unit is usually the reciprocal of seconds (s^(-1)).


粘度 (粘度) is the internal viscosity resistance of a liquid and a measure of viscosity or fluidity. The higher the viscosity, the thicker the liquid and the more difficult it is to flow. Viscosity is usually expressed as the ratio of force per unit area to velocity difference per unit time (剪切率). 单位通常是帕斯卡秒 (帕·秒) 或毫帕秒 (毫帕·秒).

The relationship between viscosity and shear rate can be described by Newton’s law of fluid. Newtonian fluid is an idealized fluid with constant viscosity independent of shear rate. According to Newton’s Law of fluid, 粘度等于应力与剪切速率之比.


在牛顿流体中, changes in shear rate do not affect the viscosity, 剪切率是小还是大. The viscosity of a Newton fluid remains constant regardless of the speed and manner at which the fluid is shear. 然而, 对于非牛顿流体 (such as shear-diluting and shear-thickening liquids), 粘度会随着剪切速率的变化而变化. 这意味着非牛顿流体的粘度是剪切速率的函数, and it can increase or decrease with increasing shear rate. 非牛顿流体的粘度和剪切速率之间的关系可以通过流变测试和适当的流变模型来描述和预测.
