ايزو 1518-1992 – “اختبارات الخدش للدهانات والورنيشات”

نطاق التطبيق

1.1 تعد هذه المواصفة القياسية واحدة من سلسلة معايير أخذ عينات واختبار الدهانات, الورنيش والمنتجات ذات الصلة. This standard specifies a test method for determining under standard conditions the penetration properties of single or composite coating systems of paints, varnishes or related products against hemispherical needle strokes. For composite coating systems, the needle can be drawn through to the substrate or to the intermediate coating. 1.2 This method is intended to be used: أ) as a “يتخطى الفشل” امتحان, إنه, a specified load is applied to the stroke needle to assess whether the coating complies with a specific requirement; ب) Determine the minimum load through the coating by applying a gradually increasing load to the needle.

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