ISO 16474-1-2013 Barvy a laky – Test methods for exposure to laboratory light sources

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ISO 16474-1-2013 Barvy a laky – Test methods for exposure to laboratory light sources

Komise odpovědná za tento dokument je ISO/TC 35, Barvy a laky, Podvýbor SC 9, Common Test Methods for Paints and varnishes.

První vydání ISO 16474-1, together with ISO 16474-2, cancelled and replaced the technically revised ISO 11341:2004. První vydání ISO 16474-1, together with ISO 16474-3, odstraněna a nahrazena technicky revidovanou ISO 11507:2007.

ISO 16474 se skládá z následujících částí, pod obecným názvem Barvy a laky – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources:

– Část 1: Obecné pokyny

– Část 2: Xenon arc lamp

– Část 3: Fluorescent UV lamps

– Část 4: Open carbon arc lamp

ISO 16474-1-2013 Barvy a laky – Test methods for exposure to laboratory light sources

Barvy, laky, and coatings of similar materials are commonly used outdoors or indoors for prolonged exposure to solar radiation or solar radiation behind glass. Proto, it is important to determine the effects of solar radiation, heat, vlhkost, and other climatic stresses on the polymer’s color and other properties. Outdoor exposure to solar radiation and solar radiation filtered by window glass is described in ISO 2810[9]. nicméně, it is often necessary to more quickly determine the effects of light, heat, and moisture on the physical, chemikálie, and optical properties of coatings exposed to artificially accelerated aging or artificially accelerated irradiation using specific laboratory light sources. Exposure in these laboratory devices is carried out under more controlled conditions than in the natural environment and is designed to accelerate polymer degradation and product failure. It is difficult to correlate the results of accelerated weathering or artificially accelerated irradiation with those obtained under actual conditions of use because of the differences between the two types of exposure and because laboratory tests often cannot recapitalize all the exposure stresses experienced by coatings exposed under actual conditions of use. Navíc, the increased degradation rate of accelerated testing compared to natural exposure conditions varies depending on the type of material and its formulation. No laboratory exposure test can be specified as a total simulation of actual use of exposure. Due to differences in solar radiation, time of humidity, teplota, kontaminanty, a další faktory, the relative durability of materials in actual use exposure can vary greatly depending on the location of exposure. Proto, even if the results of specific accelerated weathering or artificially accelerated irradiation are found to be useful for comparing the relative durability of materials exposed to specific outdoor locations or specific conditions of actual use, they cannot be assumed to be useful for determining the relative durability of materials exposed to different outdoor locations or different conditions of actual use.

1 Rozsah
1.1 Tato část ISO 16474 provides information and general guidance related to the selection and operation of exposure methods described in detail in subsequent sections. It also describes the general performance requirements for equipment used to expose paints and varnishes to laboratory light sources. Information on such performance requirements is provided for manufacturers of artificially accelerated aging or artificially accelerated irradiation devices.

1.2 Tato část ISO 16474 also provides interpretative information on artificially accelerated weathering or artificially accelerated radiation exposure data.

2 Normativní odkazy
All or part of the following documents are referred to normatively in this document and are required for their application. Pro datované odkazy, platí pouze citovaná verze. Pro nedatované reference, novou verzi reference (včetně případných revizí) platí.

ISO 16474-1-2013 Barvy a laky – Test methods for exposure to laboratory light sources

ISO 1513, Barvy a laky – Vyšetření a příprava zkušebních vzorků

ISO 1514, Barvy a laky – Standardní panely pro testování

ISO 2808, Barvy a laky – Stanovení tloušťky filmu

ISO 3270, Barvy a laky a jejich suroviny – regulace a testování teploty a vlhkosti

ISO 4618, barvy a laky – termíny a definice

ISO 9370, Plasty – Instrumental determination of radiation exposure in ageing testsGeneral guidance and basic test methods

ISO 15528, Barvy, laky a suroviny pro barvy a laky – Vzorkování

ISO 16474-2, Barvy a laky – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources – Část 2: xenon arc lamps

ISO 16474-3, Barvy a laky – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources – Část 3: Fluorescenční ultrafialové lampy

ISO 16474-4, Barvy a laky – Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources – Část 4: Open flame carbon arc lamps

3 termíny a definice
Pro účely tohoto dokumentu, termíny a definice uvedené v ISO 4618 a platí následující články.

3.1 Artificial accelerated irradiation

The material is exposed to a laboratory radiation source designed to mimic solar radiation filtered by window glass or radiation from an indoor lighting source, and the sample is subjected to relatively small changes in temperature and relative humidity in an attempt to produce the same changes more quickly as when the material is used in an indoor environment

Poznámka 1: These exposures are often referred to as fading or light resistance tests.

ISO 16474-1-2013 Barvy a laky – Test methods for exposure to laboratory light sources

3.2 Artificial accelerated weathering

In contrast to outdoor or in-service exposure, materials are exposed to conditions that may be circulatory and reinforcing in a laboratory aging facility

Poznámka 1: This involves laboratory radiation sources, heat, and moisture (in the form of relative humidity and/or water spraying, condensation, or soaking) to try to produce the same changes more quickly as long-term outdoor exposure.

Poznámka 2: The device may include devices for controlling and/or monitoring light sources and other weathering parameters. It may also include exposure to special conditions, such as acid fog to simulate the effects of industrial gases.

3.3 Control Materials

Materials that have a similar composition and structure to the test material and are exposed at the same time for comparison with the test material

Poznámka 1: An example of the use of control materials is when a formulation different from the one currently used is being evaluated. V tomto případě, the control will be the coating made with the original formula.

3.4 File Sample

A part of the material to be tested that is stored under stable conditions and used to compare exposed and unexposed states

3.5 References

Materials with known properties

3.6 Reference Specimen

Part of the reference substance to be exposed

ISO 16474-1-2013 Barvy a laky – Test methods for exposure to laboratory light sources

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