ISO 23169-2020 “Field test methods for quality assessment of paints and varnished interior wall Coatings

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Voluntary, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific and express the meaning of terminology as well as in relevant ISO technical barriers to trade (TBT) dodržovat principy světové obchodní organizace (WTO) information, please refer to the

This document has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Barvy a laky, Podvýbor SC 9, Common Test Methods for Paints and varnishes.

Any feedback or questions about this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

ISO 23169-2020 “Field test methods for quality assessment of paints and varnished interior wall Coatings

A typical interior wall coating system (viz obrázek 1) consists of a thick filler, a coating primer, and two finishes. Jako výsledek, the final quality of the interior wall depends on the entire paint system from the filler to the primer to the top coat. Navíc, the quality of the coating conditions, such as film thickness and paint water dilution rate, has a significant impact on the final wall coating system.

Postava 1 — Typical interior wall coating system


1 Podklad (wall)
2 packing
3 Primer (1 kabát)
4 Top coat (2 coats)
There is no standardized field test method in the market to check the performance of the entire system. V současné době, so-calledfield testing methodsrely on visual testing, nail scrubbing and touch. These methods are subjective, as the results may vary from person to person, even for the same wall coating system, and the results are not repeatable. Proto, this document provides standardized test methods for on-site wall paint evaluation. Using these standardized test methods can help distinguish between high quality and low quality interior wall paints.

ISO 23169-2020 “Field test methods for quality assessment of paints and varnished interior wall Coatings

1 rozsah
This document specifies two field test methods (field cleanliness [stain removal] and field resistance to wet scrubbing) for assessing the quality of interior wall coatings.

These tests are applicable to white coatings and light coatings where the tri stimulus value Y10 is greater than 25 measured on samples consisting of coatings coated on a black substrate.

The cleanability test can differentiate paint quality into 18% pigment volume concentration (PVC) and critical pigment volume concentration (CPVC). Field test methods for wet scrubbing resistance can differentiate coating quality when PVC is almost equal to or above CPVC.

2 Normativní odkazy
Na následující soubory se v textu odkazuje takovým způsobem, že část nebo veškerý obsah tvoří požadavky tohoto dokumentu. Pro datované odkazy, platí pouze citační verze. Pro nedatované reference, the latest version of the reference (včetně případných revizí) platí.

ISO 3696, Analytical laboratory waterspecifications and test methods

ISO 4618, Barvy a laky — termíny a definice

ISO 6504-3:2019 Barvy a laky – Determination of coverage-Part 3: Determination of coverage-using paints for masonry, concrete and interiors

ISO 13076, Barvy a laky – Lighting and procedures for visual evaluation of paints

ISO 23169-2020 “Field test methods for quality assessment of paints and varnished interior wall Coatings

3 Termíny a definice
Pro účely tohoto dokumentu, termíny a definice uvedené v ISO 4618 a platí následující články.

3.1 Paint to water dilution ratio

The ratio of water to paint, expressed as a percentage of mass

3.2 Light Color Coating

Coatings with a tristimulus value of Y10 greater than 25 were measured by spectrophotometer on a sample consisting of coatings coated on a black substrate

Poznámka 1: The tests shall comply with ISO 6504-3.

3.3 Čistota

The dry coating film is able to withstand the penetration of the dirt agent and is released from it through the cleaning process without removing more than the specified film thickness

[Source: ISO 11998:2006, 3.1]

3.4 Site wet scrubbing resistance

Ability of the dry film to withstand an average loss of less than the specified oil film thickness within a specified area when exposed to a specified wet scrub cycle (3.5)

Poznámka 1: In ISO 11998, resistance to wet scrubbing is based on laboratory tests of 200 wet scrubbing cycles.

3.5 Scrub cycle

The matte pads move each other once in both directions on the matte length (3.6)

[Source: ISO 11998:2006, 3.2]

3.6 Length of grinding

Length of stroke (3.7) plus length of pad

[Source: ISO 11998:2006, 3.3]

3.7 Stroke Length

The distance the device traverses with a stroke

[Source: ISO 11998:2006, 3.4]

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