ISO 17872-2019 – Primer Guide for Marking with Paints and varnishes on Sheet Metal Coatings for corrosion Testing

ISO (Mezinárodní organizace pro normalizaci) je globální aliance národních normalizačních orgánů (členy ISO). Vývoj mezinárodních norem se obvykle provádí prostřednictvím technických komisí ISO. Každá členská instituce, která se zajímá o předmět, pro který byla ustavena technická komise, má právo být v komisi zastoupena. Do této práce jsou zapojeny také vládní a nevládní mezinárodní organizace, které jsou ve spojení s normalizačními organizacemi. ISO úzce spolupracuje s Mezinárodní elektrotechnickou komisí (IEC) ve všech záležitostech elektrické normalizace.

The procedures used to develop this document as well as those used for further maintenance are described in Part 1 směrnice ISO/IEC. Zejména, pozornost by měla být věnována různým schvalovacím kritériím požadovaným pro různé typy dokumentů ISO. Tento dokument byl vypracován v souladu s redakčními pravidly Části 2 směrnice ISO/IEC (viz

ISO 17872-2019 – Primer Guide for Marking with Paints and varnishes on Sheet Metal Coatings for corrosion Testing

Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že určitý obsah tohoto dokumentu může být předmětem patentových práv. ISO nenese odpovědnost za identifikaci jakýchkoli nebo všech takových patentových práv. Podrobnosti o jakýchkoli patentových právech identifikovaných během vývoje dokumentu budou v úvodu a/nebo v seznamu přijatých patentových nároků ISO. (viz

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Voluntary, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific terminology and express the meaning of and the ISO in the technical barriers to trade (TBT) dodržovat principy světové obchodní organizace (WTO) information, please see the

This document is prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Barvy a laky, Podvýbor SC 9, General Test methods for paints and varnishes.

The second edition cancels and replaces the technically revised first edition (ISO 17872:2007). Compared with the previous edition, the main changes are as follows:

Article 2 “Normative referenceand Article 3 “termíny a definice” have been added;

Added L-shaped and diagonal scribe graphics;

ISO 17872-2019 – Primer Guide for Marking with Paints and varnishes on Sheet Metal Coatings for corrosion Testing

A second variant of the cross-section shape marked with a U-dot is added to Figure 2;

V-shaped replaceable inserts, disc milling cutters, engravers and ceramic cutters have been added to the list of possible cutting tools;

The cross section picture has been added to the corresponding cutting tool;

Examples of cutting tools in Table A.1 have been grouped into knife or insert tools, pencil tools, and milling machines;

The original Appendix B has been replaced by a new annex that presents examples of the different results that may occur in a corrosion test when different marking tools are used.

Any feedback or questions regarding this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A full list of these agencies can be found at

ISO 17872-2019 – Primer Guide for Marking with Paints and varnishes on Sheet Metal Coatings for corrosion Testing

Many international standards deal with corrosion tests in which scribe marks are introduced through coatings on metal substrates. nicméně, the methods introduced by the underline mark (underline patterns, nástroje, atd.) are not standardized in these standards.

The main purposes of deliberately causing damage to the coating prior to corrosion testing are as follows:

1) Simulate and study how to ensure the adhesion of coating caused by damage after exposure;

b) Obtain an accelerated response during corrosion testing, such as quality control in the production process;

C) Study the general durability of the coating by observing the corrosion rate as damage spreads after exposure.

Preliminary investigations indicated the use of several scribing tools in terms of shape and size. These differences occur both between and within countries. The effect of using different tools is to produce streaking marks with different cross-section shapes, depths and bare metal areas. These differences will greatly affect the test results obtained during the corrosion test, as the purpose of introducing the marking into the coating system is to enable the oxygen and electrolytes present during the exposure test to enter the well-defined and active metal surface.

The actual method used to introduce scribble marks depends on the coating type and thickness. nicméně, in all cases, the recommendation is that the cross section be as smooth as possible, the metal substrate be evenly exposed, and there is no coating residue on the exposed substrate.

ISO 17872-2019 – Primer Guide for Marking with Paints and varnishes on Sheet Metal Coatings for corrosion Testing

1 Rozsah
This document describes a method for performing corrosion tests on scrip-coated steel or specimens, where the coating system is applied at a dry film thickness of less than 500 μm. It is only used as a guide, based on the results of cooperative tests, and no subsequent corrosion tests are conducted to determine whether the introduced scribe marks are suitable for such tests.

This document covers the marking of metal panels or test pieces (chemically or non-chemically treated) made of:

– Ocel;

galvanized steel;

– slitina hliníku;

Magnesium alloy.

It does not include the streaking of electroplated metal or composite aluminum plates.

2 Normativní odkazy
The following documents are referenced in the text in such a way that some or all of their contents constitute the requirements of this document. Pro datované odkazy, platí pouze citovaná verze. Pro nedatované reference, novou verzi reference (včetně případných revizí) platí.

ISO 4618, Barvy a laky — termíny a definice

ISO 17872-2019 – Primer Guide for Marking with Paints and varnishes on Sheet Metal Coatings for corrosion Testing

3 termíny a definice
Pro účely tohoto dokumentu, termíny a definice uvedené v ISO 4618 apply.

ISO a IEC udržují terminologické databáze pro standardizaci na následujících adresách:

– ISO online prohlížecí platforma: k dispozici na

– Elektronická encyklopedie IEC: k dispozici na

Veřejně dostupná je pouze standardní informační složka. Chcete-li zobrazit celý obsah, budete muset zakoupit standardy prostřednictvím formálních kanálů.

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