ISO 21968-2019 “Měření tloušťky povlaku nemagnetických kovových povlaků na kovových a nekovových substrátech – Fázově citlivá metoda vířivých proudů”

ISO (Mezinárodní organizace pro normalizaci) je globální aliance národních normalizačních orgánů (členy ISO). Vývoj mezinárodních norem se obvykle provádí prostřednictvím technických komisí ISO. Každá členská instituce, která se zajímá o předmět, pro který byla ustavena technická komise, má právo být v této komisi zastoupena. Do této práce jsou zapojeny také mezinárodní vládní a nevládní organizace, které jsou ve spojení s ISO. ISO úzce spolupracuje s Mezinárodní elektrotechnickou komisí (IEC) ve všech záležitostech elektrotechnické normalizace.

Postupy použité k vytvoření tohoto dokumentu a postupy používané pro další údržbu jsou popsány v části 1 směrnice ISO/IEC. Zejména, všimněte si různých schvalovacích norem vyžadovaných pro různé typy dokumentů ISO. Tento dokument byl vypracován v souladu s pravidly pro úpravy v Části 2 směrnice ISO/IEC (viz

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Voluntary, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific and express the meaning of terminology as well as in relevant ISO technical barriers to trade (TBT) dodržovat principy světové obchodní organizace (WTO) information, please refer to the

This document has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 6, Papír, Deska a buničina, Podvýbor SC 2, Test Methods and Quality Specifications for Paper and Board.

Any feedback or questions about this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

ISO TS 19857-2021 “Papír, board and printing inksLaboratory test methods for setting offset inks for printability

This document describes a test method for evaluating the ink setting characteristics of a specific ink/substrate combination in offset lithography.

Offset is the transfer of ink from the front of one piece of paper to the back or front of the next.

Solidification is the process by which low viscosity liquid ink components penetrate into a permeable substrate. These low viscosity liquids in inks are mineral oils, vegetable oils, or esters of vegetable oils. By separating from these low viscosity liquids, the remaining ink film solidifies. This is combined with changes in surface viscosity, depending on the ink-varnish system and time. Surface viscosity usually increases at the beginning of the setup and drops to zero later. The setting is the main drying mechanism of an ink system (např. press inks) or part of a multi-channel drying mechanism (např. traditional sheeting offset inks or thermosetting inks). The laboratory test used for setting up the interlining of the new print onto the non-printing substrate at a specified time. The transfer of ink to a non-printing substrate depends not only on the degree to which the ink solidifies through solidification, but also on the actual viscosity level of the original ink film. Proto, the test result is a combination measurement.

The absorptive properties of paper have great influence on offset lithography. Improper absorption can lead to many printing problems, such as ink offset, poor adhesion, mottling, unpredictable increase in tone value, poor friction resistance, and damage to the first printing surface on the perfect press after perfection.

The more absorbent the paper is, the less time it takes for the ink to set sufficiently for further processing, but rapid ink setting will adversely affect other properties. When testing the processing of wet sheets, very short periods of time should be used, for example in a perfect press. Longer times are used for paper processing after printing, while longer times are used for further processing, such as folding and cutting.

According to the test purpose, there are three options for paper and ink combination:

Producing reference ink on paper;

production ink on reference paper;

Production ink on paper, according to the application of printed matter, can be divided into the following types:

face to face offset (např. after folding offset);

Offset in front (například, in a stack of paper).

ISO TS 19857-2021 “Papír, board and printing inksLaboratory test methods for setting offset inks for printability

1 rozsah
This document describes a laboratory test method using an IGT1 or prufbau2 print-suitability tester for preparing samples to assess the absorption of ink on an offset substrate by setting a printed surface against an unprinted surface.

This method describes the use of ink volume to simulate monochromatic or multicolor printing. Printing and foil printing (counter printing) are done using intervals, between printing and counterprinting, that are common to the target process.

This method evaluates a specific ink and substrate combination.

2 Normativní odkazy
Na následující soubory se v textu odkazuje takovým způsobem, že část nebo veškerý obsah tvoří požadavky tohoto dokumentu. Pro datované odkazy, platí pouze citační verze. Pro nedatované reference, the latest version of the reference (včetně případných revizí) platí.

ISO 5-4, Photographic and graphic techniquesDensity measurement – Část 4: Geometric conditions for reflection density

ISO 2834-1, Grafické techniky – Laboratorní příprava zkušebních tisků – Část 1: vkládání inkoustů

ISO 2846-1, Graphic technologyColour and transparency of printing ink sets for four-colour printing – Část 1: sheetrope and thermoset web offset lithography

3 Termíny a definice
Pro účely tohoto dokumentu, platí následující termíny a definice.

ISO a IEC udržují databáze termínů pro standardizaci na následujících adresách:

– ISO online prohlížecí platforma:

— Elektronická encyklopedie IEC: k dispozici na

3.1 Ink Setting

The drying of ink by absorption and/or oxidation

3.2 Offset

The effect that occurs when ink on a print is transferred from a printed surface to another surface

3.3 Foil paper

Reverse paper

Paper used to make counter prints for offset (3.2) assessment

3.4 Ink Film

< On the substrate. The amount of ink applied to the substrate surface to obtain the print optical density required for this test

Poznámka 1: Quantities are specified in units of g/m2 or μm.

3.5 Ink Film

< On the printing mould. The amount of ink applied to the surface of the printing press to transfer to the substrate during the printing operation

Poznámka 1: Quantities are specified in units of g/m2 or μm. The amount of ink film applied to the inking system is usually about twice the amount transferred to the substrate.

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