ISO 7783-2018 “Barvy a laky — Determination of water vapor transmission characteristics cup method

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Voluntary, related standards and conformity assessment related ISO specific terminology and express the meaning of and the ISO in the technical barriers to trade (TBT) dodržovat principy světové obchodní organizace (WTO) information, please see the

This document has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Barvy a laky, Podvýbor SC 9, Common Test Methods for Paints and varnishes.

The second edition rescinded and replaced the first edition (ISO 7783:2011), in which it constituted a minor revision to correct the conversion factor in formula (3) and to add a reference to ISO 4618 paint and varnish terms in Article 3.

Any feedback or questions about this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A complete list of these institutions can be found at

ISO 7783-2018 “Barvy a laky — Determination of water vapor transmission characteristics cup method

This document is one of a series of standards dealing with the sampling and testing of paints, laky a související produkty. It describes a method for determining the water vapor transmittance of self-supporting and non-self-supporting coatings.

Water vapor transmittance is not necessarily a linear function of film thickness, teplota, or relative humidity difference. Measurements made under one set of conditions are not necessarily comparable to those made under other conditions. Proto, you must choose a test condition that is as close to the usage condition as possible.

Under conditions of high humidity, the propagation of water vapor is of greatest concern. Proto, the wet cup method has been adopted as the reference method. Depending on the agreement, other procedures and conditions may be used, such as the Cheers method.

ISO 7783-2018 “Barvy a laky — Determination of water vapor transmission characteristics cup method

1 rozsah
This document specifies the method for determining the water vapour permeability of paints, varnishes and coatings for related products.

Doplňuje ISO 12572. Procedures, definitions, and calculations have been taken over from ISO 12572 as far as possible. Pokud je potřeba, refer to ISO 12572 for a better understanding of the procedures specified in this document.

Vapor transmittance exceeding 680 g/ (m 2⋅d) (tj., the vapor diffusion equivalent air layer thickness sd is less than 0.03 m) cannot be accurately quantified by the test method described in this document.

2 Normativní odkazy
Na následující soubory se v textu odkazuje takovým způsobem, že část nebo veškerý obsah tvoří požadavky tohoto dokumentu. Pro datované odkazy, platí pouze citační verze. Pro nedatované reference, the latest version of the reference (včetně případných revizí) platí.

ISO 1513, Barvy a laky – Vyšetření a příprava zkušebních vzorků

ISO 2808, Barvy a laky – stanovení tloušťky filmu

ISO 3233-1, Barvy a laky – Determination of non-volatile substances as a percentage by volume – Část 1: Method for determination of non-volatile substances using a coating test panel and dry film density by Archimedean principle

ISO 3696, Analytical laboratory waterspecifications and test methods

ISO 4618, Barvy a laky — termíny a definice

ISO 15528, Barvy, laky a suroviny pro barvy a laky — Vzorkování

3 Termíny a definice
Pro účely tohoto dokumentu, termíny a definice uvedené v ISO 4618 a platí následující články.

3.1 Propustnost vodní páry

The mass of water vapor transmitted over a given surface area of the sample under a specified constant relative humidity on each surface of the sample under test over a given period of time

Poznámka 1: It is measured in grams/square meters per day [g/ (m2⋅d)].

Poznámka 2 Water vapor transmittance p measured at atmospheric pressure can be converted to the equivalent value at standard atmospheric pressure p0 by multiplying p/p0. This allows for a linear correlation of 20,4, with the water vapor diffusion equivalent air layer thickness (sd) hodnota (vidět 3.3).

Poznámka 3: The termwater vapor transferis often incorrectly used for water vapor transfer rates.

3.2 Velocity G of steam flowing through the sample under test

The mass of constant water vapor passing through each surface of the sample under test at a specified constant relative humidity during a given period of time

Poznámka 1: It is expressed in grams per hour.

3.3 Vapor diffusion equivalent air layer thickness SD

The thickness of a static air layer with the same water vapor transmittance as the test coating under the same measurement conditions

Poznámka 1: It is measured in meters.

3.4 Water vapor drag coefficient M

A coefficient indicating how many times more resistant a material is to water vapor than a static air layer of the same thickness at the same temperature and pressure

Poznámka 1: It is dimensionless.

Poznámka 2 The calculation and use of the water vapor drag coefficient is meaningful only if the water vapor transmittance of a particular material is constant, to znamená, independent of thickness, which, nicméně, is not usually the case for coatings.

ISO 7783-2018 “Barvy a laky — Determination of water vapor transmission characteristics cup method

3.5 Specimen

< Non-self-supporting coating > Coated supporting material

3.6 Specimen

< Self-supporting coating > Separate coating

3.7 Wet Cup Method

Method for measuring water vapor permeability in which the sample is sealed around the rim of a cup containing a saturated aqueous solution of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate

Poznámka 1: This is the most convenient method for determining water vapor permeability at high relative humidity (mezi 93% a 50%).

3.8 Cheers

A method of measuring the permeability of water vapor in which a sample is sealed around the edge of a cup containing a desiccant

Poznámka 1: This is the most convenient method for determining water vapor permeability at low relative humidity (mezi 50% a 3%).

3.9 Testing Components

An assembly consisting of a test cup sealed at the edge of a test cup containing a saturated ammonium dihydrogen phosphate solution in contact with an undissolved ammonium dihydrogen phosphate crystal (wet cup method) or containing a desiccant (cheers method)

3.10 Test Area

The surface area of the sample under test through which water vapor flows during the test

Poznámka 1: It is measured in square metres.

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