ISO 3233-1-2019 “Paints and varnishs-determination of nonvolatile compounds by percentage volume – Část 1: Method for the determination of nonvolatile compounds using coated test plates and for the determination of dry film density according to the Akimid principle

ISO 3233:1998 “Determination of nonvolatile volume fraction by measuring dry coating density” (GB/T 9272-2007) specifies a density of dry coating obtained by measuring any specified temperature range and drying or curing time.

ISO 3233-1-2019 Standard name: Paints and varnishs-determination of nonvolatile compounds by percentage volume – Část 1: Method for determination of nonvolatile compounds using coated plates and for determination of dry film density according to ArchimedesprinciplePractice status: current
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ISO 3233-1-2019 “Paints and varnishs-determination of nonvolatile compounds by percentage volume – Část 1: Method for the determination of nonvolatile compounds using coated test plates and for the determination of dry film density according to the Akimid principle

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This document is prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Barvy a laky, Podvýbor SC 9, General Test methods for paints and varnishes.

Druhé vydání ruší a nahrazuje první vydání (ISO 3233-1:2013), který byl technicky revidován.

The main changes from the previous edition are as follows:

Definitions and sources in Chapter 3 have been updated;

A minimum mass of 25 mg of coating on the plate is added in 7.4.1 because measurements and simulation calculations indicate that the minimum mass of coating on the plate is required;

The text has been edited and changed.

A list of all parts in the ISO 3233 sérii lze nalézt na webových stránkách ISO.

Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A full list of these agencies can be found at

ISO 3233-1-2019 “Paints and varnishs-determination of nonvolatile compounds by percentage volume – Část 1: Method for the determination of nonvolatile compounds using coated test plates and for the determination of dry film density according to the Akimid principle

This method is used to measure the density and determine the volume of dry coating obtained from a given volume of liquid coating. This volume is considered a very meaningful measure of the coverage of paints, lak, or related products (the surface area covered per unit volume specified by the thickness of dry film). The values obtained by this method may differ from those calculated based on the addition of the mass and volume of the raw materials in the formulation. Due to the shrinkage or expansion of the resin and solvent, the combined volume occupied by the resin and solvent can be the same, greater or less than the combined volume of the individual components. The second factor affecting the volume of the dry paint formulation is the extent to which the space between the pigment particles is filled by the adhesive.

Above and close to the critical pigment volume concentration, the volume of dry paint film is larger than the theoretical volume, which is due to the increase of unfilled voids between pigment particles. The porosity of the film means that this approach is not appropriate.

The volume value of the non-volatile matter depends on the temperature and time of heating, and these conditions should be carefully considered for the material under test.

1 Rozsah použití
This document specifies a method for determining the non-volatile material volume (NV V) of coatings and related products by measuring the density of dried coatings over any specified temperature range and drying or curing periods. This method is used to determine the non-volatiles immediately after use.

Using the volume results of the non-volatile matter obtained according to this document, the spread rate of the coating material can be calculated.

The method specified in this document is the selection method for air drying materials. Its use of other materials has not been tested.

Annex B provides an overview of available methods for determining the content and volume of nonvolatile substances.

This document does not apply to coatings exceeding the critical pigment volume concentration.

ISO 3233-1-2019 “Paints and varnishs-determination of nonvolatile compounds by percentage volume – Část 1: Method for the determination of nonvolatile compounds using coated test plates and for the determination of dry film density according to the Akimid principle

2 Normativní referenční dokumenty
When the following documents are referred to in the text, part or all of their contents constitute the requirements of this document. Pro datované odkazy, platí pouze citovaná verze. Pro nedatované citace, the new version of the citation document (včetně případných revizí) platí.

ISO 1513, Barvy a laky — Kontrola a příprava zkušebních vzorků

ISO 2811 (všechny části), barvy a laky — Stanovení hustoty

ISO 4618, Barvy a laky — termíny a definice

ISO 15528, Barvy, laky a suroviny pro barvy a laky — Vzorkování

3 termíny a definice
Pro účely tohoto dokumentu, termíny a definice uvedené v ISO 4618 a platí následující.

ISO a IEC udržují terminologické databáze pro standardizaci na následujících adresách:

– ISO online prohlížecí platforma:

— Elektropedie obtained

3.1 Non-volatile substances

Mass residue obtained by evaporation under specified conditions

Poznámka ke vstupu 1: Instead of the termnon-volatile matter”, different terms such as solid, dry residue, dry matter, solid matter, drying residue are usually used with their respective abbreviations. The termnon-volatile substance”, also used in ISO 3251, should be used together with the abbreviationNVinstead of these terms.

Poznámka 2: This document and ISO 3251 specify different conditions for the determination of NV. Proto, in this document, the symbol NV m is used for non-volatile substances by mass.

[Source: ISO 4618:2014 2.176 modified — Poznámka 2 added to entry.]

3.2 Non-volatile volume NVV

Volume percent residue obtained by evaporation under specified conditions

ISO 3233-1-2019 “Paints and varnishs-determination of nonvolatile compounds by percentage volume – Část 1: Method for the determination of nonvolatile compounds using coated test plates and for the determination of dry film density according to the Akimid principle

3.3 Transmission rate s

A certain amount of paint can cover the surface area to provide the desired thickness of the dry film

Poznámka 1: Expressed as m 2 /l or m 2 /kg.

[Source: ISO 4618:2014, 2.238 — modified to add symbol and remove note 2 of entry.]

3.4 Practical dry film density ρ

Actually determine the density of dry and cured coatings

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