ASTM D6578-2018 Standardpraxis zur Bestimmung der Graffiti-Resistenz

Bedeutung und Zweck

5.1 Graffiti an Gebäuden und Bauwerken sind ein anhaltendes und wachsendes Problem. Many applications have been produced that are designed to resist graffiti marks or provide coatings on surfaces from which such marks can be easily removed. The procedure described in this practice provides a set of standard conditions that can be used to assess the graffiti resistance of a surface.

5.2 Graffiti resistance measured in accordance with this procedure is applicable to smooth surfaces. The same coating applied to rough or textured surfaces may be less resistant to graffiti.

5.3 Coating resistance to graffiti determined after natural or laboratory accelerated weathering, either before or after marking and conducted in accordance with this code, is considered to have greater weight than resistance to graffiti determined on the same coating without weathering. Coating resistance to graffiti determined after natural weathering should be considered more important than resistance to graffiti determined after accelerated laboratory aging.

ASTM D6578-2018 Standardpraxis zur Bestimmung der Graffiti-Resistenz


1.1 This protocol covers the basic methods for assessing the graffiti resistance of coatings and the use of this protocol to assess the graffiti resistance of coatings after outdoor or laboratory accelerated exposure (before or after graffiti). Graffiti resistance is based on how a defined set of cleaners removes a defined set of marks.

1.2 This specification also defines procedures (Optional) for assessing graffiti removal after re-marking and subsequent re-cleaning. It does not involve recoating after the coating is no longer graffiti resistant.

1.3 Values expressed in SI units or inch-pound units shall be considered standards, jeweils. Die in den einzelnen Systemen angegebenen Werte sind möglicherweise nicht genau gleich; daher, each system should be used independently. Combining the values of both systems may lead to non-compliance with the criteria.

1.4 Diese Norm soll nicht alle Sicherheitsprobleme behandeln, wenn überhaupt, mit seiner Verwendung verbunden. Es liegt in der Verantwortung der Anwender dieser Norm, für angemessene Sicherheit zu sorgen, Gesundheits- und Umweltpraktiken zu prüfen und vor der Verwendung die Anwendbarkeit behördlicher Beschränkungen zu ermitteln.

1.5 Dieser internationale Standard wurde in Übereinstimmung mit den international anerkannten Standardisierungsgrundsätzen entwickelt, die in der Entscheidung über Grundsätze für die Entwicklung internationaler Standards festgelegt sind, Richtlinien und Empfehlungen der Technischen Handelshemmnisse (TBT) Ausschuss der Welthandelsorganisation.

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